Something that can be removed.
Able to be removed.
Both were, at least in theory, officers named by the king and removable by him.
The top of the still had a removable head, connected with a condenser consisting of a copper worm in a barrel of water.
He looked small in the middle of the foyer, and he wore an insincere smile like he might any other piece of easily removable clothing.
The introduction of the India Bill in November 1783 alarmed many vested interests, and offended the king by the provision which gave the patronage of India to a commission to be named by the ministry and removable only by parliament.
The woodwork, including doors and door frames, was removable, and the tenant might bring and take away his own.
The oxygen of the air may also bring about chemical changes which result in the production of soluble substances removable by rain, the insoluble parts being left in a loosened state.
In the mills of the Californian type the stamp is a cylindrical iron pestle faced with a chilled cast iron shoe, removable so that it can be renewed when necessary, attached to a round iron rod or lifter, the whole weighing from 600 to 900 lb; stamps weighing 1320 lb are in use in the Transvaal.
They are removable on complaint by a concurrent resolution approved by a two-thirds majority in each house of the legislature.
Such curates, being not removable at the pleasure of the impropriators, but only on due revocation of the licence of the ordinary, came to be entitled perpetual curates.
The India Bill strengthened the anticourt party by transferring the government of India to seven persons named in the bill, and neither appointed nor removable by the crown.
All of these institutions are under the management of a bi-partisan State Board of Control which consists of three members appointed by the governor for a term of six years, one every two years, and also removable by the governor in his discretion.
A removable extension cushion is also available to increase the overall length of the couch for treating male or taller clients.
It also offers a USB 2.0 and Plug & Play feature which allows the phone to be utilized as a removable hard disk.
All the bags have adjustable & removable padded internal dividers.
In each model the top draw has removable dividers to enhance storage.
Exhaustive next generation connections, and removable faceplates ensure that the Control Center will remain an essential part of your gaming lifestyle.
Having internal and removable storage may prove extremely useful.
The sync cord is removable for convenient storage and for replacement in the field if it becomes damaged.
Small items of rubbish on the banks and edges should be removable by hand, but larger items will need ropes or winches.
Removable saddles have been received well by Devon buyers shopping as in Sussex, Surrey and Essex UK.
Now, it's not removable by human medicine or by Immortal power, Wynn added.
Made by Minichamps this is a highly detailed replica that comes with removable bodywork.
A basque with removable straps will also provide more support than just a strapless bra.
There's a breezy cabana, beach-themed butterfly chair and personal watercraft with a removable doll-sized life vest.
The extra-wide commode is available in two designs, one with fixed arms and one featuring easily removable arms for improved patient access.
Removable oatmeal seat conceals a plastic commode pan with secure lid and carrying handle.
It is decorated with delicate pink lace and a removable velvet flower corsage.
The drawers each include three removable dividers, open out both ways and are ideally sized to hold CDs and DVDs.
These stuffed Tub Toys are made from a soft, quick-drying terry fabric and come with removable life vests.
Each unit has a removable facia and can be sealed to IP66 with the use of appropriate glands, blanks or adapters.
Dives are usually made from the deck as she has a low freeboard returning using a removable dive ladder.
The 300 SL was a Coupe only, and the smaller 190 SL Roadster was a soft top convertible with a removable hardtop.
All the seats have a 3-point ELR seatbelts; height adjustable and removable headrests and the rear doors have child locks.
Included are a shopping basket and a large removable hood with viewing window.
The boot is fitted with an integral protective stone guard and also features a removable PES insole.
They are constructed from 3mm gage 316 stainless steel and come with a removable lid securely located with stainless steel clips.
The roll-bar is removable, although I would not advise anyone to drive a midget without one.
The majority of the transfers are done by air, while local visits are done in comfortable air-conditioned minibusses with removable ramps.
The removable laptop pouch has flexible sizing for most laptops and future laptops.
There is a brightness control, and a removable filter to increase brightness for monochrome printing.
Larger debris falls into removable dust trays on either end of the work area, these are easily removable dust trays on either end of the work area, these are easily removable for regular cleaning.
A stainless steel mesh type filter protects the sensors, which is easily removable for cleaning.
Is the building or its function readily removable, adaptable or easy to dismantle?
No need to buy separate sun canopy as both the front panels and side panels also are fully removable for use as sun canopy.
The pump also has a fuel cutoff valve, operated by a solenoid with a removable coil.
A removable knee splint may be used to support the knee during the recovery period.
These vehicles are normally equipped with removable stanchions to control side-to-side movement of the load.
Naturally, newly produced removable English subtitles are also a feature.
Seats are removable, driving experience feels oddly synthetic, turbo 165bhp engine outpaces those of its rivals.
For ease of loading and unloading there's a drop-down and removable tailgate which is also useful when carrying long loads.