The property or state of being relevant or pertinent.
They have more relevance and point in 2 Tim.
If we add the qualification of relevance we destroy the cogency of the method.
His passionate plea for liberty, has relevance for every generation.
The process of buying " added years ", including the relevance of previously accrued pension rights 6.2.
The Immortal Code, rule seventy four states that my status as a former-human has no relevance, once I was made Immortal.
What relevance this has on location imprinting I don't know.
Vitamins B1, B2, niacin and B6 are of special relevance to sportspeople since they are all involved in releasing energy from food.
Using phrases searching by using a phrase is a useful way of increasing the relevance of your results.
Rather, it depends heavily on which particulars he has granted relevance through progressive moral self-definition.
Like the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
Estimating the numbers potentially affected is likely to be of particular relevance where existing severance is severe.
In other words, the temporally restricted relevance of " party statecraft " is also spatially confined.
Five More Internet Studies for experienced Internet users exploring topics with legal relevance.
That it is not wilful is not of relevance.
The mechanism and relevance of these findings in the rat carcinogenicity study for humans are not yet clarified.
Present day relevance The Leipzig war trials were remarkable for particular reasons in relation to the conduct of the victors of the Great War.
In SEO, repetition of keywords is vital because a search-engines reputation is based on the relevance of its results.
Relevance theory The rhetorician 's dilemma is a special case of an even more fundamental problem in the study of human communication.
He left blanks of the staffing rotas, " ca n't see the relevance really ".
Using phrases Searching by using a phrase is a useful way of increasing the relevance of your results.
Similar principle to titles when selling on eBay, your title is critical to your search relevance.
Like the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
In other words, the temporally restricted relevance of " party Statecraft " is also spatially confined.
This sequel to Campbell's 1998 hit The Mask of Zorro made the fatal mistake of undermining the masked swordsman by challenging his very relevance.
A matter of great relevance, however, is the presence of telomerase activity in most tumors.
The website contains articles and presentations on a wide range of topics of relevance to finance and banking.
Moreover, its relevance was underscored when it was invoked to respond to the unimaginable attacks of September 11.
Knowledge, on the other hand, is vast in scope, subjective in relevance, increasing daily and becoming obsolete almost as quickly.
This is part of a module, which explores the vocational relevance of history skills.
Contrary to popular belief, child support payments have no relevance to court-ordered visitation schedules.
Being the child of Greek immigrants, sometimes others didn't understand the relevance and importance of our Greek heritage.
According to Bynes, she feels that her relevance to teen fans is that she is "more similar to them than some... socialite or whatever."
You can organize your searches by price, age and relevance so you can find exactly what you're looking for.
It has the potential to last you for years, provided your size does not change, and if its style is classic enough, it will never lose relevance.
This multi-faceted view of grief means that this book retains its relevance through the ups and downs of life's journey.
A good program will teach the basics and help students see the relevance through real-world application.
Children discuss the historical relevance of the Seine River, the architectural design of the Eiffel Tower and make their own flag of France, taken from an illustration.
A company's name has a major impact on how prospective customers perceive the business, in terms of its overall image, appeal, and relevance to their needs.
Google ranks websites based in part on relevance, so you know the very top sites are some of the most popular and active.
Professor Macrory said he would explore the possible relevance of the Law Commission's current review of the law on injurious affection.
The notion of cause is almost inextricable from the study of history tho there have been one or two thinkers who deny its relevance.
Love and friendship intertwined in the Celtic symbols on the ring have relevance to every couple contemplating marriage.
Right to communicate of high economic relevance The r2c is not just an ethical, moral issue.
From this perspective two trends are of particular relevance to gender mainstreaming.
The exhibition aims to provide an explanation of the meaning and relevance of scientific developments linking neurophysiology to the functioning of the immune system.
Good news and quirky stories also have their place, if they are genuinely newsworthy and have relevance to our readership.
As globalization and the aspects of global integration associated with it advance, questions of culture and identity have gained renewed pertinence and relevance.
You will ideally possess a PhD in Mathematics or Science with relevance to education.
An information-processing analysis is presented of mindfulness and mindlessness, and of their relevance to preventing depressive relapse.
He left blanks of the staffing rotas, " can't see the relevance really " .