To introduce again.
(chiefly of a plant or animal) introduced again
It was abolished at the Revolution, reintroduced during the Restoration, and formall y abolished by a state decree of 1830.
It became the policy of the crown to check the preachers by means of the order of bishops, first reintroduced by Morton, and worthy of their origin.
Hares, for a long period extinct, were reintroduced about 1830, rabbits are very numerous, and the northern limit of the hedgehog is drawn at Lerwick.
It was cultivated by the Arabs in Spain about 961, and is mentioned in an English leechbook of the 10th century, but seems to have disappeared from western Europe till reintroduced by the crusaders.
The old name was reintroduced by Diocletian, by whom Cyrenaica (detached from Crete) was divided into Marmarica (Libya inferior) in the east, and Cyrenaica (Libya superior) in the west.
A much greater supply was available for agriculture in ancient times and might be reintroduced.
The common account of his philosophical position, that he reintroduced nominalism, which had been in decadence since the days of Roscellinus and Abelard, by teaching that universals were only flatus vocis, is scarcely correct.
Its only result for the majority was a falling back on the earlier popular cultus of the Baals, and on the heathen customs introduced, or reintroduced, by Josiah's grandfather, Manasseh.
Other persons imagined that he should have followed the precedent which had been set by Lord Grey in 1831, and, after a short prorogation, have reintroduced his measure in a new session.
The Anglo-Saxons themselves could not write until Christian missionaries had reintroduced the art at the end of the 6th century, and history was not by any means the first purpose to which they applied it.
In contrast to Kant and Fichte and modern moral philosophers Schleiermacher reintroduced and assigned pre-eminent importance to the doctrine of the summum bonum, or highest good.
Bishops without dioceses and monastic bishops were not unknown outside Ireland in the Eastern and Western churches in very early times, but they had disappeared with rare exceptions in the 6th century when the Irish reintroduced the monastic bishops and the monastic church into Britain and the continent.
In the budget of 1902 a duty of a shilling a quarter on imported corn had been reintroduced.
After 15 years disuse, passenger services are being reintroduced in stages from 2004.
Muir's original 70's ladybird leaf print was reintroduced in the shape of silk georgette balloon sleeve blouses and pretty day dresses.
That the East to-day has so much to tell about Alexander is only due to the fact that old mythical stories of gods or heroes who go travelling through lands of monsters and darkness, of magical fountains and unearthly oceans, became attached to his name in the popular literature of the Roman empire, and this mythical Alexander was reintroduced in the 7th century A.D.
Thus two-thirds of the steam originally employed in the generator is reintroduced into it, leaving only onethird to be supplied by the exhaust steam of the steam-engine.
Spode 's Greek pattern today Greek was reintroduced as a tableware pattern as part of The Blue Room Collection in the late 1990s.
You can treat him as though he is a brand new kitten being reintroduced to the litter box.
If the chicken doesn't cause an allergic reaction, your dog will be reintroduced to additional food sources one at a time.
The dog must be gradually weaned off the IV fluid and slowly reintroduced to a bland diet and water.
If a dog survives, he must be gradually weaned off the IV fluid and slowly reintroduced to a bland diet and water.
Newly reintroduced, doing best in light soils and in warm gardens near the sea.
Carolina. It was grown in English gardens in 1780, but apparently lost to cultivation until reintroduced to Kew from Arnold Arboretum in 1902.
However, the bill failed to come to a vote in the Senate and it is unknown if the legislation will be reintroduced at a later date.
It was reintroduced to the American market in 2003, and quickly became popular and trendy.
With few predators, elk populations rose tremendously, until by the time wolves were reintroduced in 1995, there were as many as 35,000 elk in the park during the summer.
In some cases, the "test" foods are introduced at three-day intervals while in others, a new food is reintroduced every day for 15 days.
If healing is evident, then gluten is reintroduced to the diet and a third biopsy is performed weeks to months later to see if the reintroduction of gluten results in villus atropy again.
Other foods can be gradually reintroduced into the diet once the child is symptom-free.
Food should be reintroduced gradually, several hours after vomiting stops, beginning with small amounts of dry, bland food like crackers and toast.
Some areas, such as New York City, have been rabies-free, only to have the disease reintroduced at a later time.
In a food challenge, a particular food is eliminated from the child's diet for a few weeks and then reintroduced.
The good news is that a proper gluten-free diet can be extremely healthy, since many people find themselves reintroduced to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Every now and then some styles are reintroduced, but it is best to purchase the wallet you're eyeing sooner rather than later.
Unlike others, it was then reintroduced in the spring of 2007.
During this phase, foods can be reintroduced.
Moderate amounts of alcohol, dairy and whole grains are now carefully reintroduced into the diet.
Following these two days of fasting, food is slowly reintroduced through the following phases.
It was dropped back then by Admiral Zumwalt to reduce the number of items the Naval officers had to carry around, but reintroduced by Admiral Mullen in order to better differentiate officers from enlisted men.
The Navy dropped it in 1975 to reduce the amount of uniforms in the seabag, but it was reintroduced in 2009.
They are all either breeding stock or are recovering from injury and intended to be reintroduced into the wild.
The "browse," after removal of the "grey" slag, is reintroduced, ore added, and, after a quarter of an hour's heating, the mass again placed on the work-stone, &c.
The modern theory of evolution, on the other hand, has reintroduced a scientific teleology of another type.
The word was reintroduced in modern philosophy probably by Rene Descartes (or by his followers) who, in the search for a definite self-evident principle as the basis of a new philosophy, naturally turned to the familiar science of mathematics.
The first parliament of the Regent Murray (1567), while confirming the establishment of the Reformed church as the only true church of Christ, settling the Protestant succession, and doing something to secure the right of stipend to ministers, reintroduced lay patronage, the superintendent being charged to induct the patron's nominee - an infringement of the reformed system against which the church never ceased to protest.
Between 1865 and 1888 Sweden employed a modified system of free trade, but various enactments in 1888 and 1892 reintroduced methods of protection.
But this important invention was of little use until John Glover, about 1866, found that the nitrous vitriol could be most easily reintroduced into the process by subjecting it to the action of burner-gas before this enters into the lead chambers, preferably after diluting it with chamber acid, that is, acid of from 65 to 70%, H 2 SO 4, as formed in the lead chambers.
But in the latter case it must always be understood that there is some unit concerned, and the results have no meaning until the unit is reintroduced.
Since then the increase of plantations has led to the partial restoration of the species in the south of Scotland and the north of England; and it was reintroduced into Dorset early in the 19th century.