The act of compensating someone for an expense.
Although the Federal Government creates the regulations that are used to govern the reimbursement of hospice organizations for care they give patients on Medicare, it is up to the state to certify individual hospice agencies.
To change visibly he explains that million dollar look tuition reimbursement program.
Our Standard and Superior plans both cover the same conditions, treatments, etc., but our Superior plan offers higher benefits, which means the amount of reimbursement for your pet's veterinary care will be higher.
Notification of payment remittance advices for staff reimbursement payments are sent using e-mail.
New York residents are not eligible for ID Theft Expense Reimbursement Coverage, but it is offered to people who reside in the other 49 states.
If you do so, you can get up to $100,000 of coverage, plus reimbursement for up to $15,000 in medical expenses and up to $100,000 in accidental death and dismemberment.
These cards can be a good alternative to requiring employees to use their own money for gas and later request reimbursement.
Getting your school to cover the costs may still be an issue, but reimbursement may be possible when the school isn't also paying $75 for a substitute.
School floats can only be replenished by the completion of a petty cash imprest request and a petty cash reimbursement form.
Refusing any salary and asking only the reimbursement of his expenses, he accepted the position, asking "every gentleman in the room," however, to remember his declaration that he did not believe himself to be equal to the command, and that he accepted it only as a duty made imperative by the unanimity of the call.
Claim forms for the reimbursement of pulpit supply costs can be obtained from the Maintenance of the Ministry Office.
Notification of Payment Remittance advices for staff reimbursement payments are sent using e-mail.
Find out if you'll be required to pay your dentist out-of-pocket and wait for reimbursement or if you'll you need to make a co-payment only.
The protection offers full reimbursement for items that are not described correctly in a product listing.
These programs are separate from the tuition reimbursement programs offered by some employers.
If you can get tuition reimbursement through your employer or another outlet, it will cost you very little to take classes and further your education.
Fill out the FAFSA, apply for scholarships and grants, consider taking out loans, and investigate tuition reimbursement options.
Most companies will pay a portion if not all of the tuition through reimbursement programs for you to study for an MBA.
Then, once we receive your claims you will be sent a check for reimbursement, up to ninety percent of your plan's Benefit Schedule allowance, minus a $50.00 per incident deductible.
While our basic plans do cover cancer treatments, this rider doubles the benefits available, increasing the amount of reimbursement you can receive.
There is a monthly maximum reimbursement limit to members of a Retiree Medical Benefits Trust.
Dental Sleep Medicine and Insurance Reimbursement helps patients find coverage for their oral devices for treating the sleep disorders.
Some health insurance companies have replacement reimbursement schedules that differ, so it is important to contact your health insurance provider for details.
Elan, the manufacturer of Myobloc, also has resources available to answer questions about reimbursement.
The only fees involved are reimbursement for expenses such as film, postage and copies.
As you accumulate medical costs, you turn in a reimbursement requisition to your employer, who will cut you a check for a portion of your flex spending savings.
This is because whatever funds you have taken out of your salary that you cannot provide current year medical receipts for reimbursement will not be returned to you.
Rebates can range from a reimbursement for the cost of delivery to several hundred dollars off your total purchase.
The only fees involved are reimbursement for expenses such as film, postage, and copies.
The company is a leading employer and offers an outstanding benefits package that includes excellent insurance, discount stock purchase options, tuition reimbursement, retirement benefits, and more.
Benefits may include health and dental insurance, retirement plan, education reimbursement, vacation and sick leave, and company-specific benefits like discounts on products or services.
The company should have a clear, written policy on expense reimbursement that includes details such as what is a covered expense, what the filing deadline is, and when receipts are required.
The reimbursement covers all operating expenses including gasoline, insurance, and maintenance.
For instance, mileage reimbursement can vary over the course of a year and technological changes affect tax law.
However, if you drive back and forth from your office to business meetings throughout the day and your company does not provide reimbursement, that mileage may be deductible.
The parent company that owns the list can file a lawsuit or seek reimbursement for anyone illegally using the list or using it more times than the contract states.
It probably also covers rental reimbursement in the event you need to secure a vehicle while your own is being repaired.
Rental Car Reimbursement for when the policyholder's vehicle is being repaired following a claim under the collision or comprehensive portion of the policy.
The plan offers 80 percent reimbursement for charges and a low annual deductible for use.
You do not want to see the policy decrease in the reimbursement allowance each year.
Direct Reimbursement Plans - These plans reimburse patients for a percentage of the money spent on dental care.
With this plan, an annual reimbursement cutoff is set, and if a member exceeds this amount the company will not approve reimbursement.
Additional coverage for an additional cost includes full glass, rental reimbursement, and towing.
For example, if your mother gets sick and you need to cancel a vacation, you qualify for a reimbursement.
Many insurance companies will pay for part of these orthodontia services, but you may have to wait for up to a year for reimbursement.
The dentist who accepts the discount plan doesn't have to fill out claim forms in order to receive reimbursement for their services.
You'll also be able to put tax-free money into a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) that you can use to pay for your medical expenses.
This is called "In-network care" and PPO participants are rewarded with a higher level of benefit reimbursement.
Members pay the cost of the visit and are usually responsible for filing a claim to receive reimbursement.
Select an insurer who makes direct, immediate payment to the health care provider, rather than reimbursement after the fact.