In a manner inspiring or deserving regret.
Concurrently fraudulent imitation has regrettably increased.
Regrettably for smaller groups it can feel a little soulless.
It is intensely annoying to be told that the objects lying there in front of you are regrettably unavailable.
The patients who relapse are regrettably many for only 25% of the total ovarian population present with the highly curable stage 1 disease.
The main instance of the latter is the 1990 Joint Session paper, regrettably part of a volume which contains numerous misprints throughout.
Regrettably, I do not see a widespread recognition of that fact in the current debate.
Regrettably, India is stubbornly pursuing a military solution to Kashmir and has intensified repression, encouraged by an apparent international complacency.
Even today Chester has its own water supply, not fluoridated yet regrettably.
Regrettably, toward the end of his service, he contracted pulmonary tuberculosis.
Regrettably, they're $346.00 on their website.
The news regrettably follows the airing of the show's milestone two-hundredth episode on Friday.
Anyway, for those of us that wished these two would simply slink out of the limelight, regrettably, it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
It stated that regrettably, the registered sire was not a match, so my dog and his litter mates were removed from the AKC registry.
In a moment of self-reflection Andy realizes that he has regrettably neglected his two children in order to further his career.
Ruffles and bows are endearing on a baby, but the likelihood of that dress surviving a party bound infant without a stain-fest is regrettably low.