In a large but limited area, more than local but smaller than entirety. (Generally smaller than a nation.)
In these circumstances, the liberal- internationalist bourgeoisie in Europe attempted to create a regionally defined ultra-imperialist order.
The regionally rare prostrate juniper grows on some cliffs.
Responses to the Reformation seem to have varied, both regionally and between neighboring parishes.
The sandstone ravine is now a Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS ).
Regionally produced drama and entertainment can be a potent and effective means of expressing such regionalism and meeting the needs of audiences.
The sandstone ravine is now a Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS).
These tournaments are held regionally three or four times a year and culminate in an annual tournament of the best players, both individuals and teams, held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Most lists look at how schools are performing locally (within their own school system) and how they are performing regionally or on a state level.
Students must possess a bachelor's degree granted from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning.
Seek out schools that are accredited by the AACSB or, if that isn't a possibility, find schools that are regionally accredited by boards that the federal government recognizes.
Regionally accredited distance learning programs are vital to the acceptance of your credentials as a program graduate.
What does it mean for a distance learning program to be regionally accredited?
Most colleges and universities that obtain specialized or independent accreditation will also be accredited regionally or nationally.
A program must be accredited either regionally or nationally, by a non-profit, recognized accreditation agency to be eligible for FAFSA-directed assistance.
The product was well regarded and sold regionally in the California area until 1976 when the company changed hands.
Kohn's Kosher Market - The Kohns began their market in the 1960s as a local grocery store, but quickly grew regionally to service the Jewish communities outside of their home state of Missouri.
In Pacific Island nations-where rates of hepatitis B infection are among the highest in the world-a regionally coordinated immunization program has significantly reduced the incidence of chronic infection.
Every class is run differently, and regionally you will find even further variations, but overall the basic process is the same.
There are also a number of regionally broadcasted radio stations and local independent radio stations.