A kind of large cigar of superior quality.
Royal rights, prerogatives and privileges actually enjoyed by any sovereign, regardless of his title (emperor, grand duke etc.).
The emblems, symbols, or paraphernalia indicative of royalty or any other sovereign status; such as a crown, orb, sceptre or sword.
Decorations or insignia indicative of an office or membership of an order or society; such as freemasonry.
(by extension) Finery, magnificent dress, or lavish or flashy costume.
to be dressed in full regalia (dressed up)
(by extension) Sumptuous food.
In the municipal offices interesting ancient regalia and records are kept.
It presents fine examples of Norman architecture; its historical associations are of the highest interest, and its armoury and the regalia of England, which are kept here, attract great numbers of visitors.
The bank, in addition to its private functions, farmed many of the regalia, and was in the practice of advancing large sums to the state, transactions which gave rise to extensive corruption, and terminated some years later in the breaking of the bank.
At the Restoration an endeavour was made to reproduce as well as possible the old crowns and regalia according to their ancient form, and a new crown of St Edward was made on the lines of the old one for the coronation of Charles II.
On the 2 ist, a few moments after the estates had assembled, the king in full regalia appeared, and taking his seat on the throne, delivered that famous philippic, one of the masterpieces of Swedish oratory, in which he reproached the estates for their unpatriotic venality and licence in the past.
There were, in fact, two sets of regalia, the one used for the coronations and kept at Westminster, FIG.
For centuries, they exercised the power of life and death; a stone stands where the gallows were formerly erected, and indicates that here they exercised jur y regalia.
The chairman of the commissioners retains possession of the regalia.
One of the most interesting medieval spoons is the coronation spoon used in the anointing of the sovereign, an illustration of which is given under Regalia.
In order to emulate them, they often wore sashes and regalia like the ones seen here, emulating groups such as the Royal Order of Foresters or the Masons.
When the University was first formed, the N'Ions presented a silver candelabrum to be part of its regalia.
All went swimmingly, the Beat Retreat including Highland Cathedral for which the 1st lieutenant on bagpipes joined us in full Scottish regalia.
Today a highly ornate mace forms the centerpiece in the civic regalia of many councils across the country.
O f course, there's still the Crown regalia, which even today seem paltry compared to the regalia of other countries.
A fleece being fashioned into a garment is shown on a Scythian chief's gold regalia of around 500 B.C. (left ).
One way of demonstrating their support was to wear party regalia.
They are the oldest surviving regalia in Britain and consist of a crown, a sword and a scepter.
A small exhibition room displays military regalia and unique tombstones dating back to the tenth century.
Bill is also an accomplished Piper and has the full regalia to match.
I'll pass over the Masonic regalia in Mordrin's office for something less potentially controversial.
The royal regalia which includes a stone studded gold crown weighing 1769 grams can be seen only on special request.
To everyone's surprise, he appeared in full Native regalia.
Other symbols - such as the Crown Jewels and coronation regalia - are unique objects which exert a powerful fascination.
As well as the clubs regalia, they could also check out the items that were to be sold in the auction and raffle.
No. Is this site decked out in pirate regalia?
When in full breeding regalia the male has a black head, chest, back and tail with pure white flanks.
Dressed in full viking regalia for part of her talk, Jeanne's enthusiasm was infectious.
Windischgrittz, however, refused all terms, and the Diet and government fled to Debrecszin, Kossuth taking with him the regalia of St Stephen, the sacred Palladium of the Hungarian nation.
The regalia controversy, which broke out in 1673, led up to the classic declaration of the Gallican clergy of 1682; and, when aggravated by a conflict over the immunity of the palace of the French ambassador at Rome, resulted in 1688 in the suspension of diplomatic relations with Innocent XI., the imprisonment of the papal nuncio, and the seizure of Avignon and the Venaissin.
His advanced age induced him to resign the control of affairs to his adopted nephew, Cardinal Paluzzi, who embroiled the papacy in disputes with the resident ambassadors, and incurred the enmity of Louis XIV., thus provoking the long controversy over the regalia (see Innocent Xi.).
A fleece being fashioned into a garment is shown on a Scythian chief 's gold regalia of around 500 B.C. (left).
Also lodged in the Tower are the Crown Jewels including all the regalia used by British monarchs at their coronation.
To everyone 's surprise, he appeared in full Native regalia.
Contact me at the email address below to order any of the new or existing FWD register regalia items.
The meeting started after members had a chance to view a regalia sales display.
Dressed in full Viking regalia for part of her talk, Jeanne 's enthusiasm was infectious.
The Portrait shows the former Conservative councilor in traditional chairman 's regalia during his stint as district council chairman in 1984.
Cyrus usually closes her live shows with a Best of Both Worlds performance, dressed in full Hannah Montana regalia.
With the passing of the Act of Union of Wales and England in 1536 however, the jura regalia of the county palatine of Pembroke were abolished, and the prosperity of the town began to decline.
A new source of wealth was now opened up; some adventurers from Villa do Principe in Minas, going north to the Seria Frio, made the discovery of diamonds about the year 1710, but it was not till 1730 that the discovery was for the first time announced to the government, which immediately declared them regalia.
The crown of Scotland, preserved with the Scottish regalia at Edinburgh, is believed to be composed of the original circlet worn by King Robert the Bruce.
He alone was aware of the existence of the new throne of walrus ivory embellished with three silver life-size lions, and of the new regalia, both of which treasures he had, by the king's command, concealed in a vault beneath the royal castle.
The objects, which are about 3000 in number, are arranged in eight rooms. They include the regalia of Augustus II.
He adjusted the difficulties over the regalia, and obtained from the French bishops the virtual repudiation of the Declaration of Gallican Liberties.
In the court chapel are preserved the regalia of Hungary, namely, the crown of St Stephen, the sceptre, orb, sword and the coronation robes.
Thomas Garway, the first English tea dealer, and founder of the well-known coffee-house, "Garraway's," in a curious broadsheet, An Exact Description of the Growth, Quality and Virtues of the Leaf Tea, issued in 1659 or 1660, writes, "in respect of its scarceness and dearness, it hath been only used as a regalia in high treatments and entertainments, and presents made thereof to princes and grandees."
It was used as a treasury for the regalia and other articles of value in early times, and here were kept the standard coins of the realm used in the trial of the pyx now carried out at the Mint.
After a nine-hours' truce the palace was stormed, and Boniface was found lying in his bed, a cross clasped to his breast; that he was sitting in full regalia on the papal throne is a legend.
Birdcatcher was a chestnut, so also were Stockwell and his brother Rataplan, Manganese, Mandragora, Thormanby, Kettledrum, St Albans, Blair Athol, Regalia, Formosa, Hermit, Marie Stuart, Doncaster, George Frederick, Apology, Craig Millar, Prince Charlie, Rayon d'Or and Bend Or.
These were still further extended in 1250 by the anti-Caesar William of Holland, who had made himself master of the place and of the imperial regalia, after a long siege, in 1248.