To rebuild or replenish with all new material; to restore to original (or better) working order and appearance.
Fabrics that are pilling are difficult to refurbish.
We've found a handyman who can refurbish the shop quite cheaply.
If you have a larger small business, you may seek local computer shops or refurbish resellers.
A home is most comfortable when it is familiar, so bring out those once undesirable vintage light fixtures and antique kitchen stoves and refurbish them.
We also are helping to refurbish homes and are stocking a food pantry for 30 widows and their children.
They will then refurbish the computers, if necessary, before passing them on to deserving causes.
Modern interior designers at work The client 's brief was to refurbish the entire interior to a luxury modern standard.
The Grants will support 42 schemes, many of which will refurbish existing sites and extend their life.
Dealers will pay slightly less for your car because they need to refurbish it before selling.
A tatty piece of paper hanging crooked in the window says in felt-tip pen ' Close for refurbish ' (sic ).
We require an experienced handyman / builder to help refurbish our chalet.
Firstly, last academic year Mr Slater was successful in gaining a government grant to refurbish the main chemistry laboratory.
This British-born entrepreneur still owns the Shabby Chic brand and will hopefully weather the storm to someday refurbish the name that has become synonymous with creative restoration, making what was once "shabby" into something "chic".
Whether you're looking for specialty items, or you just need to refurbish your children's supply of kids tee shirts, the choices are endless.
There are a couple of ways an organization might accept a car - first, they may refurbish the vehicle and sell it at a profit, or use various car parts and sell those.
Local tech shops constantly get supplies of used equipment that they refurbish and offer for resale.
Try to stay with a laptop that has been through the Apple refurbish process where their standards must be met in order to resell it.
These sources include local and online classified ads, online auction sites with sellers from across the globe, or buying direct from companies that refurbish parts for tent trailers.