A reaction in which an oxidation and a reduction occur simultaneously; a reaction in which electrons are transferred.
To subject to a redox reaction.
Of or relating to any reaction in which oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously.
We are interested in the essential trace element molybdenum, which is required as a component of the cofactors of various redox enzymes.
Methylene blue is an example of an artificial hydrogen acceptor, or redox indicator.
However, in redox proteins with strong oxidizing centers oxidative decarboxylation of nearby ionized carboxylic groups may be expected to occur to some degree.
Basic concepts in equilibrium geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and redox geochemistry are covered.
To understand what is happening here we need to think about redox reactions.
The Mn cluster donates electrons to P680+ via a redox active tyrosine located at position 161 on the D1 protein (3 ).
You will find it much easier to understand if you first read the introduction to redox equilibria before you go any further.
The laboratory 's interests are wide and range from proteins involved in cell signaling and cellular adhesion to redox enzymes involved in drug action.
This link will take you to a page explaining how to use redox potentials in the present context.
These free energies can then be subtracted to give free energy differences that have been shown to correspond to experimental redox potentials.
The next diagram shows the redox reactions demonstrating the chemistry of succinate production.
The Mn cluster donates electrons to P680+ via a redox active tyrosine located at position 161 on the D1 protein (3).