Living again; brought back to life.
His works were published under the title of Juvenalis redivivus, and, although boasting but little poetical merit, give us very curious pictures of the times.
But Victorinus of Pettau, who wrote during the persecution under Diocletian, still knows the relation of the Apocalypse to the legend of Nero; and Commodian, whose Carmen Apologeticum was perhaps not written until the beginning of the 4th century, knows two Antichrist-figures, of which he still identifies the first with Nero redivivus.
Of the later stage, when the myth of Nero redivivus was fused with that of the Antichrist, we have attestation in xvii.
Verse II, with the exception of the words" which was and is not,"leads to the identification of the eighth with Nero redivivus.
Some scholars are of opinion that this writer identified Domitian with the eighth emperor, the Nero redivivus, the beast from the abyss.
Hase's Hutterus Redivivus, an exposition of orthodoxy in the light of modern development, called forth a final exposition of the rationalist position by Rohr.
Theol.; Whiston's Eunomianismus redivivus contains an English translation of the first apology.
Later, the figure of Nero redivivus became, more especially in Christian thought, entirely confused with that of Antichrist.
It was published under the title of Elias Redivivus, the text being Luke i.
Anderson of Aberdeen, in the supplement to his Apollonius Redivivus (Paris, 1612), but by far the best is by Robert Simson, Opera quaedam reliqua (Glasgow, 1776).
He sent a list to Tomasini, who published it in his Petrarca Redivivus (Patavii, 1635).
This points, we may here assume, to the Nero redivivus legend, which could not have arisen for a full generation after Nero's death, and the assumption receives large confirmation from the most probable interpretation of the enigmatical words, xiii.