To begin again.
It was not until the 29th of March that the new railway communication recommenced to feed the army.
As Sweden had to attend to her own affairs, Finland was gradually reverting to independence and paganism, when in 1209 another bishop and missionary, Thomas (also an Englishman), arrived and recommenced the work of St Henry.
Gold-mining recommenced in 1905 at Urn Rus, a short distance inland from the Red Sea and some 50 m.
But in 1399 Visconti recommenced his wars of conquest, which were to have included Padua had not death cut short his schemes in 1402.
It was intended as a temporary tax for war purposes only, and was repealed in 1802, but was reimposed when the war recommenced in 1803, with the limit of abatement reduced to £150.
On the 19th they recommenced their advance, moving very slowly, and on the 25th halted once more on the Kiri on coming under the fire of the artillery of the fortress.
To their misfortune the Scottish war once more recommenced, King Robert having refused to continue the truce.
Moreover, when the war with Scotland recommenced he gave the English a taste of victory such as they had not enjoyed since Falkirk.
But the inevitable struggle had recommenced with the accession of the unscrupulous Philip IV.
Moreover, the inadequate compensation awarded to slaveowners, and the suspicions engendered by the method of payment, caused much resentment, and in 1835 the trekking of farmers into unknown country in order to escape from an unloved government, which had characterized the 18th century, recommenced.
But Mary had, under a specious pretext, recommenced to a slight extent the evil practice, and Elizabeth had gone a little further in the same direction.
He spent a year in prison at Perugia, and when peace was made at the end of 1202 he returned to Assisi and recommenced his old life.
The year after his accession the Danish invasions, long unintermitted under Edgar the Peaceful, recommenced; though as yet their object was plunder only, not conquest, and the attacks were repeated in 981, 982 and 988.
Returning to England in 1725, he recommenced his New Memoirs of Literature (1725-1728), a monthly, and in 1730 a Literary Journal.
In consequence of these events, originating with the Committee of Union and Progress, hostilities were recommenced at the beginning of February.
When the work was recommenced it was found that the native Christians had multiplied and developed during the harsh treatment of the 25 years.
At the pope's instigation he recommenced persecution some years later, but his duchess and some German princes pleaded successfully in favour of the Protestants.
Towards the middle of the 5th century, the Blemmyes, quiet since the reign of Diocletian, recommenced their incursions, and were even joined in them by the Nobatae.
The insurgents rejected this offer, and hostilities recommenced.
The plan of public works authorized in 1887 was reconsidered, and the construction of portions of the various undertakings recommenced.
In that month Morenga, a chief who had been interned by the colonial authorities, but had escaped and recommenced hostilities against the Germans, was once more on the British side of the frontier and, refusing to surrender, was pursued by the Cape Mounted Police and killed after a smart action.
In the year of the treaty of Etaples the Yorkist conspiracies began once more to thicken, and Henry was fortunate to escape with profit from the French war before his domestic Yorkist troubles recommenced.
He spent the winter at Edessa, and in 217, when he recommenced his campaign, he was murdered between Edessa and Carrhae on the 8th of April at the instigation of Opellius (Opilius) Macrinus, praefect of the praetorian guard, who succeeded him.
In 1905 gold mining recommenced in Nubia, in the district of Urn Nabardi, which is in the desert, about midway between Wadi Halfa and Abu Hamed.
Mitka tuned up afresh, and recommenced thrumming the balalayka to the air of My Lady, with trills and variations.
The discussion recommenced, but pauses frequently occurred and they all felt that there was no more to be said.
If you are planning to go on a diet or change your eating habits, it is recommenced you speak with your healthcare provider first.
Grappling will be recommenced so as to hook the cable near enough to the end to allow of its being hove to the surface.
The deposition and death of the empress foiled this plan; and after a desultory warfare in Italy between the two empires, negotiations were recommenced which in 810 led to an arrangement between Charles and the eastern emperor, Nicephorus I.
Fighting was recommenced by a " French " attack on " British " canoes, and Williams thereupon attacked the island and routed the hostile faction.
After the Austerlitz campaign Prince Andrew had firmly resolved not to continue his military service, and when the war recommenced and everybody had to serve, he took a post under his father in the recruitment so as to avoid active service.
It contemplates the assumption of the vow for a limited period only, and gives particular details as to the atoning ceremonies at the sanctuary by which the vow must be recommenced if broken by accidental defilement, and the closing sacrifice, at which the Nazarite on the expiry of his vow cuts off his hair and burns it on the altar, thus returning to ordinary life.