Able to be recognized
Jackson's voice chafed, barely recognizable, "Let me speak to her."
She was easily recognizable, her dark hair streaming in the breeze of her partially open window.
The framework is generally recognizable without difficulty.
He'd been scarred so badly, he was hardly recognizable as a person.
He was surprised to spot young Donnie Ryland, recognizable by his small stature and familiar jacket, running down the end of the trail.
In a second phase of the species, the colour, which often displays a slaty hue (whence the name of blue fox), remains more or less the same throughout the year, the winter coat being, however, recognizable by the great length of the fur.
About 60 species of pit-vipers are recognizable.
The corresponding parts are recognizable in Anodonta.
It lived and flourished far beyond this time, when transplanted to Rome, not less than in its native Alexandria, and appears to be recognizable even up to the beginning of the middle ages.
But as the pitch of the one rises the beats become a jar too frequent to count, and only perhaps to a trained ear recognizable as beats.
These difficulties are further enhanced by the fact that, quite apart from any cross-breeding, the plants, when subjected to cultivation, vary so greatly in the course of two or three years from the original species from which they are directly descended that their parentage is scarcely recognizable.
The lowest beds of this series, which from their position may belong either to the Permian or to the upper part of the Carboniferous, have yielded no recognizable fossils; but they include a conglomerate which closely resembles the boulder bed near the base of the Talchir series in India.
It must suffice here to state that the most certain difference, as it is the most easily recognizable, is to be found in the tarsus, which in the arctic tern is a quarter of an inch shorter than in its kinsman.
Revolutions have passed from the tumultuous stages of their origin into some settled and recognizable state before we have been called upon to cope with them.
Under Sennacherib's rule, Yatnana figures (as in Isaiah) as the refuge of a disloyal Sidonian in 702; but in 668 ten kings of Cypriote cities joined Assur-bani-pal's expedition to Egypt; most of them bear recognizable Greek names, e.g.
With the religion the Dacians also adopted the language of the conquerors, and modern Rumanian is full of Latin words easily recognizable.
The peculiarly national basis, Are, still recognizable in Cyruss architecture at Pasargadae, recedes into insignificance.
Equally scattered through the whole country, and almost everywhere recognizable, is the underlying Persian population (Tajik), which is sometimes represented by a locally dominant tribe, but more frequently by the agricultural slave and bondsman of the general community.
The fast-diminishing Sajidis (Sajittae) and Saka (Sacae) are others of the more ancient races of Baluchistan easily recognizable in classical geography.
For some years past, however, it .has been occasionally mixed with pieces of inferior opium, like that of Yoghourma, recognizable on cutting by their solidity and heavy character.
Its site is still easily recognizable.
Their immensely greater antiquity was proved by their geological position and their association with a long extinct fauna, and they were not, like the Neoliths, recognizable as corresponding closely to the implements used by modern tribes.
The atmosphere on the plateaus is exceedingly clear, so that objects are easily recognizable at great distances.
The National Gallery "Virgin of the Rocks" certainly, with help from Ambrogio de Predis; in this the Florentine character of the original is modified by an admixture of Milanese elements, the tendency to harshness and over-elaboration of detail softened, the strained action of the angel's pointing hand altogether dropped, while in many places pupils' work seems recognizable beside that of the master.
As the cone grows in size and becomes woody the lower half of the cone-scale, which we may call the carpellary scale, may remain small, and is so far outgrown by the upper half (seminiferous scale) that it is hardly recognizable in the mature cone.
There were also rude idols of him in wood (xoana), in which the human form was scarcely recognizable.
This arrangement, however, is by no means characteristic even of the Zaphrentidae, and in the family Cyathophyllidae most of the genera exhibit a radial symmetry in which no trace of the bilateral arrangement described above is recognizable, and indeed in the genus Cyathophyllum itself a radial arrangement is the rule.
In many secondary corals (Cyclolites, Thamnastraea) the trabeculae are so far separate that the individual bars are easily recognizable, and each looks something like a bamboo owing to the thickening of the two ends of each node.
At the same time the prostomium and its appendages cease to be recognizable as distinct elements of the head.
Diiben distinguishes four leading dialects; but a much greater number are recognizable.
Marine to a South American bird which, though long before known and described by the earlier writers - Nieremberg, Marcgrav and Piso (the last of whom has a recognizable but rude figure of it) - had been without any distinctive scientific appellation.
On internal grounds it appears that the Pentateuch and Joshua, as they now read, virtually come in between an older history by "Deuteronomic" compilers (easily recognizable in Judges and Kings), and the later treatment of the monarchy in Chronicles, where tie influence of the circle which produced P and the present Mosaic legislation is quite discernible.
An illustration is, with the general run of mankind, more powerful to convince than an argument; and the cogency of the visible plea for the Copernican theory offered by the miniature system, then first disclosed to view, was recognizable in the triumph of its advocates as well as in the increased acrimony of its opponents.
The Babylonian priests accordingly applied themselves to the task of perfecting a system of interpretation of the phenomena to be observed in the heavens, and it was natural that the system was extended from the moon, sun and five planets to the more prominent and recognizable fixed stars.
There are thus eight modifications of the horse-type at present existing, sufficiently distinct to be reckoned as species by most zoologists, and easily recognizable by their external characters.
On the other hand, as the observer recedes from the object, the apparent size, and also the image on the retina diminishes; details become more and more confused, and gradually, after a while, disappear altogether, and ultimately the external configuration of the object as a whole is no longer recognizable.
When the details are no longer recognizable by the unaided eye, the magnifying glass or the simple microscope is necessary.
This may be improved when the magnification is so increased that the angle under which the object, when still just recognizable, is raised to 4'.
If sporangia and spores are present they also may persist in a perfectly recognizable form, and in fact much of our knowledge of the fructification of fossil Ferns and similar plants has been derived from specimens of this kind.
Here it need only be said that the masses of vegetable substance, more or less carbonized and chemically altered, of which coal is composed, frequently contain cells and fragments of tissue in a condition recognizable under the microscope, as for example spores (sometimes present in great quantities), elements of the wood, fibres of the bark, &c. These remnants, however, though interesting as revealing something of the sources of coal, are too fragmentary and imperfect to be of any botanical importance.
Phloem, surrounding the wood, is recognizable in good specimens; in the cortex the main feature is the great development of periderm.
No recognizable plant-remains, if we accept one or two doubtful Algal specimens, have so far been yielded by the Cambrian.
It enables us to determine accurately orders and genera which otherwise are unknown in the fossil state, and it thus aids us in forming a truer idea of the flora of the period than can be formed at any locality where the harder parts alone are recognizable.
Some of these are recognizable as pale yellowish and white mica; others seem to be chlorite, the remainder is perhaps kaolin, but, owing to the minute size of the flakes, they yield very indistinct reactions to polarized light.
The uncertainty analysis is continued at a scale more recognizable to civil engineers by examining decision-making in relation to flood alleviation.
Shares may be issued in any recognizable currency or in more than one recognizable currency.
With their long, low bodies dachshunds are one of the most instantly recognizable breeds.
It was the Italian harlequinade, however, that first created a recognizable form of pantomime.
The Parking Attendants are recognizable by their peaked caps with a blue hatband.
They provide a recognizable representation of the mysterious incantations actually performed by a computer.