A tire that has had new tread glued on.
To seal (something) again with a cap.
To replace the worn tread on a tire by gluing a new outer portion. (US English only - Retread in UK English)
Recap your message at the end of your letter to remind the reader of the purpose of your letter and of any actions they need to take.
For a little fun we have a forward facing camera providing a high speed recap of the journey.
Recaps were available after the fact, but a recap lacks the passion and punch that makes up a soap operas core story.
Every issue features a recap of the storylines that played out over the previous two weeks.
Two Scoops - This column gives a bit of a recap of what happened in Port Charles, every week.
Here you will find not only cast info and message boards, but an extensive recap section as well.
Unless it is the first show of a new season, each episode begins with a brief recap of the previous episode.
Finding a good daily recap site is like finding a good hair stylist.
Dallas fans must then vet recap sites if they don't want to be spoiled too far ahead of their available watching.
Soap Central offers a daily recaps section populated with the most recent recap to summarizing the previous week's episodes.
A recap is exactly that, a recap of the events taking place on the show, including character interactions, mood and setting.
If you read the transcript or recap, and it leaves you wanting more, you can often find the episodes online as well.
Recap the recommendation based on applicable qualifications/strengths to the situation.
Briefly recap several points that were made in the interview to keep them fresh in the reader's mind.
After detailing the features and benefits of Return to Youth, you'll want to recap them in brief.
Each episode started with a recap from the previous show, then a judge or the judges would announce the challenge for the episode.
Click on the episode link to get to the recap, which is a detailed description of that night's program.
They present a video recap of the previous season to whet fans' appetites before the new season starts and reminds.
Exploring the universe surrounding the Federation's roots begins the Star Trek Enterprise recap.
After pleasantries I launched into a recap of our West Virginia weekend, detailing all we'd discovered.
A relaxing pint and a recap of the days events rounded a fantastic days birding.
Helen Hockx-Yu then gave a recap of the 12 workpackages for forthcoming JISC funding, outlining some of the preservation elements.
In case you have been asleep for the past 30 years, a quick recap of the plot.
Theory First a brief recap of how the Apache server works on Unix machines.
The back of one of the photos sows a short recap of the news item.
Let me briefly recap what some of the plan was.
I have said enough, so let me just recap the main thing.
To recap archaic shamanism was geographically extensive in the ancient world.
I will not be trying to recap the last few months in a big splurge.
This raised the question whether the earlier recap telex contract could be referred to in attempting to construe the Booking Note.
Most of your explanations will recap the initial point you have made.
Assembly Sensitively recap the events in London on Thursday, 7 July 2005.
During the recap session, the guests on board the 2004 voyage attended a briefing by the reconnaissance team.
Group/Independent Work The ability to recap quickly on the objectives.
To recap then on how to open a file.
This can then be used to recap in future lessons.
One of the traditions of Doctor Who is to start with a short recap of the previous episode.
To recap, dot and blend Benetint quickly for optimal results. has a full Golden Globes recap, including their slideshow of best and worst dressed.
It also does not have to be a point-by-point recap of your interview.
For some, this may mean allowing their own dislike of characters to color their recap.
A broader historical overview is offered in the month-by-month recap, which chronicles most (though not all) years from 1960 to 1999.
Daily updates will usually reflect more opinion than a recap.
Prior to the advent of the Internet, the only way to keep up with your soaps was to watch them on television, hear about them from a friend or read a recap in a soap opera magazine.
Getting an All My Children recap can help catch you up on any episodes of your favorite soap opera you may have missed, or can serve as a great tutoring session for former viewers that are hoping to jump back in on the action.
There are many places to get a recap of the most recent All My Children episodes.
While videos and online links are the best and easiest ways to see an All My Children recap, there are other ways to get your information if you cannot bring yourself to look at a computer screen after working in an office all day long.
If you want to be assured you can review full episodes, or you don't have the time to do a lot of reading or web surfing, you can make your own AMC recap by investing in a service such as TiVo.
This can be a brief recap of how your capabilities will positively impact the needs of the company and position.
A catalog of brief, bulleted items works well as a recap.