To change the order or arrangement of (one or more items).
She rearranged the fuel and added some pine needles and leaves.
Some even rearranged the contents according to the alphabet or to zoological affinity.
It is not possible to say what was the original character of many of the disrupted materials, for they have been rearranged and re-crystallized into granulitic, flaggy gneisses and schists (Moine schists).
The Serbian cavalry descending the Vardar had not yet passed the defile of Demir Kapu, the Serbian armies were being rearranged for the new movements above detailed, and even the I.
Boulder-clays and sands, and gravels rearranged by water, occur throughout the lowlands; while the eskers or " green hills," characteristic grasscovered ridges of gravel, rise from the great plain, or run athwart valleys and over hill-sides, marking the courses of sub-glacial streams. When the superficial deposits are removed, the underlying rocks are found to be scored and smoothed by ice-action, and whole mountain-sides in the south and west have been similarly moulded during the Glacial epoch.
The first public intimation of his views was given in a speech to his constituents at Birmingham (May 15, 1903), when he outlined a plan for raising more money by a rearranged tariff, partly to obtain a preferential system for the empire and partly to produce funds for social reform at home.
But the so-called abominations were removed in 1832, when the protective system was deliberately and carefully rearranged.
They could have rearranged the fixture with Coventry but decided early in the week to go ahead and play.
A child's forename or surname can be changed, names can be added or rearranged.
Not all single equations in single unknowns may be easily rearranged to provide formulas.
Many brought their own furniture and so 5 rooms had to be completely rearranged.
The band then rearranged into big band formation to finish off the concert with some more lively music.
By bulls of circumscription, issued after consultation with various Protestant states of Germany, he rearranged their Catholic dioceses and readjusted ecclesiastical incomes.
The components are rearranged on the arbor to cut the profile or the scribe.
Cramped and muddled rooms on a single floor can often be rearranged to create the feeling of more space.
The complainant 's room was rearranged to make it more suitable for her.
Reconstitution A reconstituted property means that the property, or its occupation, has been rearranged to form a different rateable unit or units.
Sometimes dependent functions have to be rearranged to better fit the products that are available.
Sporting Commitments Coursework may not be rearranged to accommodate College sporting commitments.
Our atoms will be increased and rearranged in order to facilitate the incoming light (Christ consciousness).
Friends will need to R.S.V.P. back to the host so that conflicting times and chores can be rearranged.
A sectional sofa is made up of several individual pieces that can be rearranged to accommodate you room.
Since sectional sofas can be rearranged in several ways, they're perfect solutions for those who don't have massive living rooms.
Since sectionals can be rearranged in many different ways, they're perfect solutions for people who don't have large living rooms.
The pieces can be arranged in a way that fits the room, then rearranged when a new look is desired.
This is particularly useful if furniture and accessories are often rearranged.
While this may be partially true, many of the most popular musical productions from today and yesterday are being rearranged to meet the skill level and attention span of middle school performers and audiences.
Choose from moveable cabinets on wheels that can be rearranged or even repurposed, or permanent models bolted to the walls.
In rare cases, a parent may carry rearranged chromosomes that can result in Turner syndrome in a daughter, which is the only situation in which the Turner syndrome is inherited.
A dollhouse for those who want to create their own space, the modular dollhouse comes in modules that can be rearranged.
Pages can be rearranged, renamed, added or deleted as the user sees fit.
Many cheers are easily rearranged without losing any of their power.
Xander gingerly pulled the necklace free and rearranged her hair.
The advantage claimed for roofs formed with one or two large spans is that they permit the platforms and tracks to be readily rearranged at any time as required, whereas this is difficult with the other type, especially since the British Board of Trade requires the pillars to be not less than 6 ft.
Though a busy colliery may send off its product by the train-load to an important town, the wagons will usually be addressed to a number of different consignees at different depots in different parts of the town, and therefore the train will have to be broken up somewhere short of its destination and its trucks rearranged, together with those of other trains similarly constituted, into fresh trains for conveyance to the various depots.
But the problems are admittedly complicated, and since one is necessarily dependent upon scanty narratives arranged and rearranged by later hands in accordance with their own historical theories, it is difficult to lay stress upon internal evidence which appears to be conclusive for this or that reconstruction.
St James's Park was transformed from marshy land into a deer park, bowling green and tennis court by Henry VIII., extended and laid out as a pleasure garden by Charles II., and rearranged according to the designs of John Nash in 1827-1829.
It is first mentioned in 1322, was bought with the adjacent hostelry in 1405 by the city and rearranged as a town hall, and has since, from time to time, been enlarged by the purchase of adjoining patrician houses, forming a complex of buildings of various styles and dates surmounted by a clock tower.
The materials for a life of Fox were first collected by his nephew, Lord Holland, and were then revised and rearranged by Mr Allen and Lord John Russell.
Becq de Fouquieres and was issued in 1862, but rearranged and greatly improved by the editor in 1872.
The second step is the conversion of one figure into another by a process of dissection, followed by rearrangement of parts; the figure as rearranged being one whose area or volume can be calculated by methods already established.
The third step is the arithmetical calculation of the area or volume of the rearranged figure.
He had found time for Lectures on Medieval Church History (1878); his poetical works were rearranged and collected in two volumes (last edition, 1885).
As he felt free to make slight changes, the first edition does not represent the exact text of 1530; the edition of 1 533 was further improved, while that of 1540, rearranged and in part rewritten, is known as the Variata.
The Christian Reformed Church, an "old school" secession, had in 1906, 174 organizations, 181 churches and a membership of 26,669, I In 1832 the articles of Church government were rearranged and in 1872-74 they were amended.
Luke, who certainly used Mark, has partly rearranged this narrative and partly rejected it in favour of a different version.
With the arrival of reinforcements the Italian line was once more rearranged, Gonzaga's 9th Div.
For both volumes the contents of the returns were entirely rearranged and classified according to fiefs.
When the lectures had served their purpose he rearranged the material in essays and published them.
He does not claim to have rearranged the whole realm on a new basis, or to be levying his revenue on a new assessment made at his own pleasure.