To appear again.
The salesperson recognized her and reappeared with a small box.
Hilden reappeared with a nod.
He reappeared a few moments later in a t-shirt.
Rhyn watched his only friend trot into the jungle. He resumed pacing, surprised when Gabe reappeared quickly.
She hesitated, but Talal entered and reappeared several moments later with a small bowl of water.
He went abroad, and it was some time before he reappeared on the political scene.
His conditions were agreed to, but after he had fulfilled his promise the inhabitants, on the ground that he was a sorcerer, declined to fulfil their part of the bargain, whereupon on the 26th of June he reappeared in the streets of the town, and putting his pipe to his lips began a soft and curious strain.
The Celtic language reappeared; the Celtic art emerged from its shelters in the west to develop in new and medieval fashions.
Anisya Fedorovna's smiling face reappeared in the doorway and behind hers other faces...
She darted to the door and whipped it open, trying hard to sense if Darian reappeared close enough for her to follow.
In 1769 Berkenhout gave to the world his Outlines of the Natural History of Great Britain and Ireland, which reappeared under the title of Synopsis of the same in 1795.
Abd-el-Kader reappeared in Algeria, which he overran with a rapidity which baffled all pursuit.
It reappeared in 1634, with the date of the dedication altered, as if then newly written.
With the removal of Judaism from Palestine and internal social changes the archaic primitive law reappeared, now influenced, however, by Mahommedan legislation.
Soraij, seconded by Yazid III., reappeared on the scene, crossed the Oxus and came to Merv.
But after a while, just as a jury comes out of its room, the bigwigs who guided the club's opinion reappeared, and everybody began speaking clearly and definitely.
Then the crowd hastily retired from the drawing-room door, at which the Emperor reappeared talking to the hostess.
A few minutes later it reappeared brighter still from behind the top of the cloud, tearing its edge.
At the end of the week the prince reappeared and resumed his former way of life, devoting himself with special activity to building operations and the arrangement of the gardens and completely breaking off his relations with Mademoiselle Bourienne.
The approaching riders having descended a decline were no longer visible, but they reappeared a few minutes later.
Ully reappeared with a carafe of whiskey and set it down, taking Andre's head nod as a cue to leave.
Immediately, the second woman reappeared with a small basket full of medicinal wares.
The doc reappeared, frowning, and armed with another medicine gun.
Katie shouted. He reappeared, blood flying with his weapons.
He was sitting there a few moments later with Cynthia Byrne still unconscious when the attendant reappeared with Mr. Cole, a young intern, in tow.
Jessi was breathless when she reappeared at the top of the stairs.
He reappeared for a few months after General Pavia's coup d'Nat in January 1874, to join a coalition cabinet formed by Marshal Serrano, with Sagasta and Ulloa.
At the Restoration he reappeared in public, and in 1660 he was consecrated archbishop of York.
The Theban legend, which reached its fullest development in the Thebais of Statius and in Seneca, reappeared in the Roman de Thebes (the work of an unknown imitator of Benoit de Sainte-More).
But he reappeared prominently on the political scene during the riksdag of 1800, and in 1805 was consecrated bishop of Hernosand.
The father's literary tastes, general inquisitiveness, and powers of intrigue reappeared in Napoleon, who, however, derived from his mother Letizia (a descendant of the Ramolino and Pietra Santa families) the force of will, the power of forming a quick decision and of maintaining it against all odds, which made him so terrible an opponent both in war and in diplomacy.
The folly of the monarchs of the Holy Alliance in Europe gained for the writings of Montholon and Las Cases (that of Gourgaud was not published till 1899) a ready reception, with the result that Napoleon reappeared in the literature of the ensuing decades wielding an influence scarcely less potent than that of the grey-coated figure into whose arms France flung herself on his return from Elba.
Mehemet Ali and his son Ibrahim Pasha were, however, now committed to their conflict with Turkey for Syria and Asia Minor, and had no troops to spare for the thankless task of holding the Arabian deserts; the garrisons were gradually withdrawn, and in 1842 Fesal, who had escaped from his prison at Cairo reappeared and was everywhere recognized as amir.
Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals.
Richard reappeared in England in March 1194; but his stay lasted only a few weeks, and the remainder of his reign was entirely devoted to his continental interests.
In August 1669 he reappeared at Astrakhan, and accepted a fresh offer of pardon from the tsar there; the common people were fascinated by his adventures.
As to Gregory's political pretensions, zealous theorists were quick to transform them into legal principles; and though his immediate successors, somewhat deafened by the disturbance which they had aroused, seem to have neglected them at first, they were handed on to more distant heirs and reappeared in future struggles.
At that date this disease was stamped out by energetic measures on the part of the government, but it has reappeared again in recent years, introduced apparently from India or Persia by pilgrims. There are four great centres of pilgrimage for Shiite Moslems in the vilayet, Samarra, Kazemain, a suburb of Bagdad, Kerbela and Nejef.
Charles Lowell had a rare sweetness and charm, which reappeared in his youngest son, James Russell Lowell.
Af ter the death of Holberg, the affectation of Gallicism had reappeared in Denmark; and the tragedies of Voltaire, with their stilted rhetoric, were the most popular dramas of the day.
In the same year the real chief of the sect, whose abode had been discovered by the caliph, fled from Salamia in Syria, where he lived, to Africa, and hid himself at Sijilmasa (in Tafilalt) in the far west, whence he reappeared ten years later at Kairawan as the Mandi, the first caliph of the Fatimites.4 Motadid died in Rabia II.
France saw the last plague epidemic in 1668, till it reappeared in 1720.
After a short interval it reappeared at Divanieh in December 1874, and spread over a much wider area than in the previous epidemics.
Revisiting Jerusalem and Cairo he made the haj a fourth time, and finally reappeared at Fez (visiting Sardinia en route) on the 8th of November 1349, after twenty-four years' absence.
Since then oidium has reappeared from time to time, but the remedy of spraying with finely divided sulphur, which was discovered at the time of the epidemic, has enabled the wine farmers to keep it under.
Count Ilya, again thrusting his way through the crowd, went out of the drawing room and reappeared a minute later with another committeeman, carrying a large silver salver which he presented to Prince Bagration.
When he didn't, she rubbed her face, wondering what exactly she'd been dragged into and if her heart would explode if he reappeared.
He barely noticed it was gone until this morning, when it abruptly reappeared.
Gabriel was ready to challenge the Dark One when Landon and the demon reappeared.
Andre pursed his lips in displeasure as Kris reappeared.