A bundle of grain; a handful of grain laid down by the reaper as it is cut.
To cut (for example a grain) with a sickle, scythe, or reaping machine
To gather (e.g. a harvest) by cutting.
To obtain or receive as a reward, in a good or a bad sense.
to reap a benefit from exertions
To terminate a child process that has previously exited, thereby removing it from the process table.
Until a child process is reaped, it may be listed in the process table as a zombie or defunct process.
To deprive of the beard; to shave.
Plants are ready to reap in just three to five years.
Those who reap this harvest destroy all the weeds of sorrow."
Possibly he was embittered at the time by the fact that, owing to the strong personal dislike of the king, caused chiefly by the contemptuous tone in which he had spoken of Hanover, he did not by obtaining a place in the new ministry reap the fruits of the victory to which he had so largely contributed.
It is now beholden on all of us to reap the benefits of the new order.
Henry, stricken with sore disease, was unable to reap the advantage.
Having no clocks, they regard instead the face of the sky; the stars serve them for almanacs; they hunt and fish, they sow and reap in correspondence with the recurrent order of celestial appearances.
Too often companies reap benefits at the expense of poor people overseas.
A small amount of effort now can really reap dividends later.
If you sow unto the spirit you will of the spirit reap life everlasting.
Using self-cultivation we ultimately reap the harvest of a well refined character.
Once at the summit, enjoy the vista, then on the descent reap the benefits.
During mosquito season, add 100 extra milligrams of B1 to your regimen to reap the greatest benefits.
A properly hydrated body can help prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and dry skin, so drink up and reap the reward!
Make sure you incorporate these healthy lifestyle choices into your daily routine to reap their full benefits.
Leave it on at night while you sleep and reap the benefits all season long by using it regularly.
Investigate local tanning salons and clip coupons if necessary to reap the rewards of repeat visits.
To reap the benefits, take two capsules of fish oil at 500 mg each.
Slather it on to reap its intensely moisturizing benefits and add a hint of light fragrance to your daily regimen.
The doge assumed the title of duke of Dalmatia, and a great step was taken towards the supremacy of Venice in the Adriatic, which was essential to the free development of her commerce and also enabled her to reap the pecuniary advantages to be derived from the Crusades.
Eating a little less food over a period of time will eventually reap rewards.
Students should then be able to reap some benefits in their own future essays.
It is never to late to reap the benefits of exercise.
For every rupee spent on the new seeds, a farmer can reap up to 5 rupee spent on the new seeds, a farmer can reap up to 5 rupees of crop.
In the ensuing folk rock stampede, Vanguard never did reap the huge folk rock sales of Columbia or even its indie rival Elektra.
The thin scatter of commoner migrants included 12 whinchats between the Bill and Barleycrates Lane and a Pied Flycatcher at Reap Lane.
May they reap the whirlwind at the next election!
Local businesses also reap the benefits such as car preparation firms, communication companies, publishers, and car and motorcycle part suppliers.
This could develop more allowing authors to reap more of the profit their books generate.
If we sow generously we will reap generously because God is faithful to his words.
You knew that I reap where I have not sowed, and gather where I have not winnowed?
Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.
Reap What You Sow Among the many features at this year 's event the Grow It !
He who sows in hope shall reap in joy; therefore, dear reader, be thou strong, and very courageous.
For every rupee spent on the new seeds, a farmer can reap up to 5 rupees of crop.
He who sups with the devil should expect to reap the consequences.
The thin scatter of commoner migrants included 12 Whinchats between the Bill and Barleycrates Lane and a Pied Flycatcher at Reap Lane.
They realize that you're probably approaching burn out and running low on funds; they want to take advantage of your desire to reap at least some reward from all your hard work.
However, sitting down with a pen and paper and thinking carefully about what to purchase can reap unexpected rewards.
If this doesn't sway you, you'll reap the benefits of great heat conduction and a low price.
Amazon also offers free shipping on purchases of $25 or more, which helps you reap the benefits of online shopping without incurring shipping costs.
Spending a little extra time researching the perfect food for your cat and a few extra dollars can reap big rewards in the health and well-being of your favorite companion.
Groups receive a varying percentage of purchases in donations and cardholders often reap other benefits to their goodwill, like discounts for membership fees or rewards gift certificates.
Since this type of card is administered by Citibank, you will reap the benefits that come with dealing with this institution.
Small businesses can often reap the benefits of opening up small business merchant accounts.
Children will reap the benefits of having both parents involved in their lives.
This can reap serious health issues even in healthy individuals and can harm the immune system.
You'll all reap the rewards of making your own compost and rejuvenating your soil!
However, while the initial investment is high, the homeowner will reap the benefits for years to come.
Prioritize your home improvements by conducting a home energy audit to make your budget stretch further and reap the largest energy savings.
A home built by the Energy star specifications is said to reap between 15 percent to 30 percent more energy efficiency than a traditionally built home.