A plant of the genus Ambrosia. These weeds are particularly noted for producing pollen which people with hay fever are allergic to.
The trees which form dense forest and scrub in southern Patagonia and in Fuegia are absent, and one of the largest plants on the islands is a gigantic woolly ragweed (Senecio candicans) which attains in some places a height of 3 to 4 ft..
Last year, glyphosate-resistant common ragweed was confirmed in Missouri, which was also resistant to 10 times the normal rate of application.
In Hawaii, short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is reported to be present in a number of locations.
This would appear to be the manner in which Australian bush dermatitis, ragweed dermatitis, and parthenium dermatitis are all produced.
I just found out a few days ago, that I 'm very allergic to ragweed pollen.
Cases of asthma will increase as will pollen and ragweed related allergies.
If you are allergic to other plants in the daisy family such as ragweed and chrysanthemums, you may want to avoid taking echinacea without first consulting a doctor.
You don't want to seed ragweed among your lettuce every time you add compost to your soil.
If you have allergies to ragweed, you may want to avoid products containing plants from the same family such as fleabane.
While there are no known side effects, anyone with an allergy to daisies or ragweed may want to avoid this herb due to the possibility of a reaction.
For example, childhood ragweed allergy may progress to year-round dust and pollen allergy.
Gluten intolerance is a function of an allergic reaction similar to ragweed, pollen, or pet dander.