The process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them
Radiography has done great things for surgery; for medicine its services are already appreciable, and may prove more and more valuable hereafter.
Idell Pyle's atlas of skeletal development and Tanner and White's method are the two major assessment tools for wrist radiography.
If you're interested in taking x-rays and operating medical equipment, you may want to attend a two-year Associate degree program in radiography to become an x-ray technician.
Full-time radiography helpers in the NHS earn from £ 11,500 to £ 13,500 a year.
Chest radiography shows infiltrates in up to 77% .
Using radiography, they found an average lumbar lordosis of 46.8 degrees with the lumbar support.
We carefully follow the current national guidelines for dental radiography and use modern, low radiation dose dental x-ray machines.
The site provides details of the BSc courses in diagnostic or therapeutic radiography.
Mechanical instability is abnormal movement of the talus within the ankle mortise, usually demonstrated on stress radiography.
Try an alternative route ON THE SAME SIDE unless chest radiography is available to exclude any possible pneumothorax.
The candidate will perform and interpret general radiography studies, special procedures, ultrasound and scintigraphy studies.