A smart, sarcastic turn or jest; a taunt; a severe retort or comeback; a gibe.
To make a quip.
To taunt; to treat with quips.
Dean asked, ignoring Fred's quip.
Dean didn't even offer a quip about Fred's tightness with a buck and his moth-eaten purse as the old man called over a waitress to do the duties.
An invitation for the bride to seek the best man's help when dealing with the groom's foibles, or a lighthearted quip about what she's gotten herself into.
Not only can they help with unforeseen hair emergencies, but they'll also be there with a quick quip, and nothing looks more beautiful than a laughing and happy bride.
When you wear cool designs on T shirts, you can make people laugh, inspire a stranger to strike up a conversation with you, or just get a nod of approval in response to the art you've chosen or the witty quip across your chest.
He made some quip about the plastic surgery being good.
Bruce 's Watson is a humourous foil to Rathbone 's intense seriousness - although Holmes himself is not averse to the odd witty quip.
His inability to deliver a really good quip also makes a mockery of some of the humor.
Bruce's Watson is a humourous foil to Rathbone's intense seriousness - although Holmes himself is not averse to the odd witty quip.