A treatise divided into four parts.
Divided into four parts.
Involving four parties or participants; four-party.
It consists of a nave in six bays, aisles, transepts, each with two eastern chapels, and an apse, all vaulted with simple quadripartite brick groining.
Thus (1), it has been said that - whereas the continental canon law recognized a quadripartite division of Church revenue of common right between (a) the bishop, (b) the clergy, (c) the poor, (d) the fabric - the English law maintained a tripartite division - (a) clergy, (b) the poor, (c) the fabric. Lord Selborne (Ancient Facts and Fictions concerning Churches and Tithes, 2nd ed., 1892) denies that there was any division of tithe in England.
The north chancel aisle, known as the Piper Choir, has quadripartite rib vaulting.
Very large flat bosses with scenes dominate the quadripartite vaulting of the nave roof.