The twenty-second letter of the Classical and Modern Greek alphabets.
A life force in traditional Chinese philosophy, culture, medicine, etc, related (but not limited) to breath and circulation.
The Chinese foot, a traditional Chinese unit of length based on the human forearm.
(Mainland China) The Chinese unit of length standardized in 1984 as 1/3 of a meter.
(Taiwan) The Taiwanese unit of length standardized as 10/33 of a meter, identical to the Japanese shaku.
(Hong Kong) The chek or Hong Kong foot, a unit of length standardized as 0.371475 meters.
It also means peace, harmony, serenity and good ch'i or qi.
Thus after a time dt the values of the coordinates and momenta of the small group of systems under consideration will lie within a range such that pi is between pi +pidt and pi +dp,+(pi+ap?dpi) dt „ qi +gidt „ qi+dqi+ (qi +agLdgi) dt, Thus the extension of the range after the interval dt is dp i (i +aidt) dq i (I +?gidt).
Let us fix our attention on a small area dS of the boundary of the s (3) qi „ and so on.
In discussing the small oscillations of a system about a configuration of stable equilibrium it is convenient so to choose the generalized co-ordinates qi, q2,..
In a free oscillation we have Qi, Qi,.
What was new was that Wesley added an organization, Methodism (qi;), in which each of his followers unfolded to one another the secrets of their heart, and became accountable to his fellows.
In this way the whole Qi Energy is conserved and stored to be released to restore everyday vitality.
In addition a QI control system will be installed for a new wastewater disposal station just opened at the city.
From the traditional kwa or qi pao to the bridal crown, each item is elaborately decorated with a phoenix and dragon embroidered on red material.
Ancient Moods sells a variety of qi pao and cheongsam at affordable prices.
Acupressure-Often described as acupuncture without needles, acupressure is a traditional Chinese medical technique based on theory of qi (life energy) flowing in energy meridians or channels in the body.
The goal of acupressure treatment is to adjust the flow of Qi, or energy, in your body in order to improve your health.
You'll also find candlelight yoga, chakra restorative yoga, and Qi Gong practice.
Exercise programs in Tai Chi, Aikido and Qi Gong are also offered.
In Chinese medicine, qi, pronounced "chee", is the breath, or life force, similar to the yogic belief that prana is life.
Since dp4+(-)P+T1(p +q qi 1)!dd4, the solutions of the partial differential equation d P4 =o are the single bipart forms, omitting s P4, and we have seen that the solutions of p4 = o are those monomial functions in which the part pq is absent.
Hence Qi /CI =Q2/C2 or Q I /Q 2 =C I /C 2.
Let qi, q2,..
We denote these co-ordinates by qi,qi,..
However slight these forces may be, the total energy T+V must continually diminish so long as the velocities qi,q2,.
If the system is supposed to obey the conservation of energy and to move solely under its own internal forces, the changes in the co-ordinates and momenta can be found from the Hamiltonian equations aE aE qr = 49 - 1 57., gr where q r denotes dg r ldt, &c., and E is the total energy expressed as a function of pi, qi,.