On purpose; intentionally
He did not purposely say things to please her, but whatever he was saying he regarded from her standpoint.
She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade.
It cannot purposely kill its mate.
But, though she noticed it, she was herself in such high spirits at that moment, so far from sorrow, sadness, or self-reproach, that she purposely deceived herself as young people often do.
And the talkative Dolgorukov, turning now to Boris, now to Prince Andrew, told how Bonaparte wishing to test Markov, our ambassador, purposely dropped a handkerchief in front of him and stood looking at Markov, probably expecting Markov to pick it up for him, and how Markov immediately dropped his own beside it and picked it up without touching Bonaparte's.
For I purposely talked to him as if he were a philosopher, or desired to be one.
The Epacts Are Also Placed So As To Indicate The Full Moons Generally One Or Two Days After The True Full Moons; But This Was Done Purposely, To Avoid The Chance Of Concurring With The Jewish Passover, Which The Framers Of The Calendar Seem To Have Considered A Greater Evil Than That Of Celebrating Easter A Week Too Late.
Their party was not well disciplined, they purposely refrained from making Th it so, and hence their ruin.
This 1,200 ton freighter was purposely sunk in 1999.
Ships were bought and sold or purposely built as blockade runners.
He purposely put his into the ordinary conversational idiom of the day, that is to say, into Pali.
Often people who are angry believe others purposely make them angry or try to frustrate them.
While it goes without saying that a true friend will never purposely hurt your feelings, that same friend will also find a way to tell you the truth without hurting you.
She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade.
The deity had purposely left the underworld in shambles then gone to the mortal world, probably knowing her reincarnated human form was his mate.
He was purposely vague, enjoying the fact that her full attention was on him.
Rhyn glanced from the rolling teal waves to his mate. Her words about Gabe were troubling, and he couldn't determine if she was purposely vague or really didn't know. Her pretty face was puzzled, and he frowned. She was beyond tired. Whatever was happening to her in the underworld, it wasn't good. Anger filled him. As much as he wanted to stay in the dream world in case it really was the last time he saw her, he couldn't help her while stuck in the dream.
Working in a very modern office, within a purposely designed building the Customer Service roles will include some general clerical / administration work.
On a particular newsgroup, says Tepper, established posters often " troll " for newbies by purposely making ignorant posts.
A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class.
They purposely excluded people who approach art in part for pleasure and edification in favor of social one-upmanship and an ever-narrowing, in-crowd elite.
Short sea traders have flat bottoms that are purposely designed to allow the vessel to sit on muddy and sandy riverbeds.
The steel ties should be embedded in the masonry wall through purposely drilled holes.
The approach is, as we have seen, often guarded by additional constructions; the fact that the door and window face south is another argument in favour of this theory, and the access from one part of the interior to another is sometimes purposely rendered difficult by a sudden vertical rise of 5 or 6 ft.
The bill was shelved, a prorogation having taken place in consequence of a quarrel between the two Houses, supposed to have been purposely got up by Shaftesbury, in which he supported the right of the Lords to hear appeal cases, even where the defendant was a member of the Lower House.
A desert, or a belt of country left purposely without inhabitants, like the mark, marches or debatable lands of the middle ages, was once a common means of separating nations which nourished hereditary grievances.
Then at science fair, whenever we clashed into each other or he came and purposely bumped into me, he would make fun of me.
Although some people purposely mix Adderall and alcohol in order to party longer, some people do inadvertently drink alcohol after forgetting they took their medication.
The gossip site quickly removed the clips, only to put them back up when Shrider admitted that she was the one who purposely leaked the parts of the home video.
As recently as 2009, Kelly admitted to purposely throwing herself down the stairs in order to get prescription pain killers from her doctor.
In fact, many parents purposely avoid putting very dressy clothing on their young children because they don't want to worry about keeping the clothes clean or because they prefer comfort over formality.
Probably, but then anyone who purposely chooses to breed dogs can count themselves guilty also.
These beds are purposely designed to be low to the ground to make it easier for affected pets to easily climb in and out, and most come equipped with removable waterproof covers that protect the cushion beneath in the event of an accident.
When your dog flunks obedience class, scares a neighbor kid or purposely pees on your couch when you leave him for 30 minutes to go to the grocery store, tell yourself "This too shall pass," and get over it.
This is a term used to describe the process of a company that purposely misleads the consumer into believing that a product is more environmentally friendly than it is.
As with the other Silent Hill games, the controls seem purposely funky.
By that I mean, as opposed to the smooth and easy controls you find in most horror games, it seems they purposely make you play a character who is as befuddled as you might find yourself to be in a similar situation.
Parents should observe the behavior of adolescents and teens who may be purposely overdosing on these drugs.
They may even purposely steal in retaliation for the pain they feel society has inflicted on them.
The layered, textured shag cut is a purposely "messy" style that works great on both men and women.
A boss, manager, or supervisor who is purposely trying to create an unpleasant work environment to force an employee to quit his or her position is also guilty of workplace harassment.
Of course, there are also middle children who purposely rebel against authority to create their own unique niche.
She knows that she has made a mistake and says to me that she hasn't done anything purposely.
Some supposedly "ghostly" images captured on film were done so by accident, while others were purposely staged and created to dupe the public.
They might look purposely frayed, but that's part of their charm.Because the Converse slip ons come in such a variety of styles, they can be worn with many different outfits.
In other words, it leaves you always wanting more, purposely leaving questions unanswered and plot lines left hanging so you will tune in for the next day.
Soap operas are the complete opposite - purposely leaving storylines open ended in order to hook viewers and keep you coming back for more.
The complexity of modern times coupled with the struggle to stand apart from the crowd has created a slew of new justifications for purposely scarring the body.
Some people find that they purposely do more exercise so that they get the "bragging rights" of recording it in their logs.
Some lingerie designers entered the world of lingerie purposely, while others did so by happy accident.