An alpine biological community in the central portion of the Andes in which short, coarse grass supports a Native American population.
The Cordillera of the Andes borders the Puna to the west, while the Bolivian Cordillera Real bounds it to the east.
These minor ranges, excepting the Zenta, are separated from the Andean masses by comparatively low depressions and are usually described as distinct ranges; topographically, however, they seem to form a continuation of the ranges running southward from the Santa Victoria and forming the eastern rampart of the great central plateau of which the Puna de Atacama covers a large part.
During the last months of President Uriburu's administration, matters had reached a climax, especially in connexion with the delimitation in a district known as the Puna de Atacama.
The question of the Puna de Atacama was referred to a tribunal composed of the United States minister to Argentina and of one Argentine and one Chilean delegate; that of the southern frontier in Patagonia to the British crown.
The region of the Cordilleras of the Andes is divided into Puna, or lofty uninhabited wilderness, and sierra, or inhabitable moun- Sierra.
The narrow space between them is for the most part, but not always, a cold and lofty region known as the Puna containing alpine lakes - the sources of the coast-rivers.
In like manner moo puna simply means a descendant of any generation after the first.
It is divided midway by the large island of Puna, at the eastern end of which is the anchorage for steamers too large to ascend the Guayas.
The passage north of Puna Island is known as the Morro channel, but its entrance is obstructed by shoals and it is considered dangerous for shipping.
There are few islands off the coast of Ecuador, and only one of any considerable size - that of Puna in the Gulf of Guayaquil, which is 29 m.
It has a population of 200, chiefly centred in the village of Puna, at its north-east extremity, which is a shipping port and health resort for the city of Guayaquil.
Puna island is celebrated for its connexion with Pizarro's invasion of Peru in 1531.
The exports of the province are almost wholly transported on these rivers, and are shipped either at Guayaquil, or at Puna, its deep-water port, 62 in.
This arid, bleak area is apparently a continuation southward of the great Bolivian altaplanicie, and is known as the Puna de Atacama.
The northern part of this plateau is commonly called the Puna; the southern part, the " desert of Lipez," in character and appearance is part of the great Puna de Atacama.
The natives designate the Bolivian climatic zones as yungas, valle or medio yungas, cabezera de valle, puna and puna brava.
The puna, which lies between 11,000 and 12,500 ft., includes the great central plateau of Bolivia.
The puna brava extends from 12,500 ft.
Among the more important productions, the potato, oca (Oxalis tuberosa), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and some coarse grasses characterize the puna region, while barley, an exotic, is widely grown for fodder.
To the north of Tres Cruces is a transversal depression in the Cordillera, which is considered to be the southern termination of the high plateau of the Puna de Atacama.
Puna Ibises and Andean Gulls are often present in large numbers and with luck we'll see Andean avocet as well.
Eventually we will reach the pass and the lush cloud forests give way first to Puna then arid montane scrub.
Puna ibises and Andean Gulls are often present in large numbers and with luck we'll see Andean Avocet as well.
It passes through dry puna, thick cloud forest and some plantations at the end.
Here we will see a variety of high Andean waterfowl including Puna, Teal & Andean Duck.
When the attempt was made to mark this boundary the commissioners were unable to agree on a line across the Puna de Atacama in the north, where parallel ranges enclosing a high arid plateau without any clearly defined drainage to the Atlantic or Pacific, gave an opportunity for conflicting claims. In the south the broken character of the Cordillera, pierced in places by large rivers flowing into the Pacific and having their upper drainage basins on the eastern side of the line of highest crests, gave rise to unforeseen and very difficult questions.
Beside that the surrounding landscape is quite spectacular and the dry puna vegetation is home to some interesting birds.
White-tufted Grebe Rollandia rolland Seen on the puna lakes along the Satipo Road on 10 th and at Lake Junin on 11 th.
Andean Lapwing Vanellus resplendens Common in the puna zone and recorded in small numbers on nine dates.