Of or pertaining to psychometrics
The contribution of digital technologies in this area is often limited to unhelpful psychometric tests.
There follows a description of the psychometric powers of the wife of a professor of geology, who possessed the faculty in marked degree.
Testing times Different types of questionnaire There are many different types of psychometric questionnaire, but the main categories are as follows.
The AGA group has devised a psychometric questionnaire, which can be accessed through a micro site designed by interactive agency syzygy.
The AGA group has devised a psychometric questionnaire, which can be accessed through a micro site designed by interactive agency Syzygy.
According to one study (Sharp and Lipsky; 2002) the scores for the elderly cannot be completely trusted because the psychometric data on the BDI II are mixed.
Psychometric tests convert an individual's psychological traits and attributes into a numerical estimation or evaluation.
If the examiner is not well-trained in psychometric evaluation, subjective interpretations may affect the evaluation of these tests.
The latter has involved various initiatives, including the piloting of psychometric testing.