Of, or relating to, psychiatry.
There's a good chance Donnie is finally about to get some psychiatric help— help a long time coming.
Today, Mr Zhang continues to receive psychiatric counseling.
Psychiatric treatment can help elevate symptoms.
Psychiatric service-trained dogs are growing in demand and many clients find their dogs to be extremely helpful.
Trichotillomania is not the underlying cause of hair pulling if there is a medical reason for the hair loss or if another co-existing psychiatric disorder such as hallucination provokes the hair pulling.
A 2004 survey showed that nearly 14.8 percent of adult Americans met diagnostic criteria for personality disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Chapter X A comparison of psychiatric symptomatology in addicts over the course of treatment in an in-patient setting Index 10.1.
I am not asking you to take a psychiatric vertex at this point - it is too early.
Some young people are " diverted " to an adult psychiatric ward, which is viewed by most to be inappropriate.
The story takes place in the acute admission ward of a large psychiatric hospital.
Clause 8 (Psychiatric referral) A single psychiatrist cannot resolve the question of competence, in the manner suggested.
A large hut was built out of materials salvaged from the demolition of a psychiatric hospital nearby.
Using regression analysis it was found that these psychiatric symptomatology variables were differentially associated with the four factors for both males and females.
Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women 's psychological issues.
If you are medically cleared, your medical doctor will give you a psychiatric evaluation.
While binge-eating disorder has not officially been approved as a psychiatric condition, some consider it a potential eating disorder.
More than 90 percent of people who commit suicide are suffering from depression or a related psychiatric illness at the time of their death.
The American Psychiatric Association notes that there are some long-range goals of treatment associated with alcohol abuse.
The person has a personality disorder, is bipolar or has another psychiatric disorder.
Pathological liars usually have an underlying psychiatric disorder or addiction.
Contact your physician who will most likely give you a referral for a psychiatric evaluation by a psychiatrist or psychologist.
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, Clonazepam abuse is a serious problem and is more prevalent among patients seeking psychiatric help than it is among members of the general population.
According to a survey done by Psychiatric Times, compulsive shopping affects six percent of people in the United States and includes about the same amount of men and women.
This remains an under-recognized psychiatric illness, and there are too few therapists skilled in its treatment.
People with mental health conditions who need daily life assistance can benefit from a psychiatric service dog.
These specialized service dogs are professionally trained to assist people with psychiatric conditions.
Learn about psychiatric service-trained dogs and the role they play in their owners' lives.
A psychiatric service trained dog is professionally trained to perform tasks or work and sometimes medical assistance for a person with a psychiatric or mental condition.
Psychiatric service is a relatively new field for service dogs.
Yet, people with psychiatric conditions paired with service dogs are responding to these dogs.
The psychiatric service-trained dog may be any breed and any size as long as it has the right temperament, intelligence, obedience and trainability to do the job.
The best resource for information on service dogs for people with psychiatric conditions is the Psychiatric Service Dog Society (PSDS).
The PSDS provides resources for service dogs for psychiatric conditions as well as a community.
Medication support may include drugs for the treatment of psychiatric symptoms often seen in Alzheimer patients.
Insomnia can be linked to psychiatric problems especially for those who wake up earlier than they desire to do so.
Emotional problems leading to insomnia may require psychiatric treatment.
Psychiatric treatment may be necessary to overcome emotional and other psychiatric causes of insomnia.
Individuals who suffer from psychiatric disorders such as panic attacks, multiple personality disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder are more likely to struggle with this condition.
Resulting hypocania can cause stroke, high blood pressure, memory problems, psychiatric issues, cognitive problems, and heart disease.
Insomnia can lead to psychiatric disorders like depression or anxiety, and it can increase your risk for infections and other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.
Hallucinations or other psychiatric symptoms may indicate poisoning by a hallucinogenic plant.
Anorexia nervosa was not officially classified as a psychiatric disorder until the third edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1980.
Anorexia nervosa is a serious public health problem not only because of its rising incidence, but also because it has one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric disorder.
The doctor will also need to distinguish between anorexia and other psychiatric disorders, including depression, schizophrenia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder.
Psychotherapy with anorexics is a slow and difficult process; about 50 percent of patients continue to have serious psychiatric problems after their weight has stabilized.
Body dysmorphic disorder-A psychiatric disorder marked by preoccupation with an imagined physical defect.
Pathological lying often accompanies serious psychiatric problems such as conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder, which normally have their onset during adolescence.
Dysthymia commonly occurs in tandem with other psychiatric and physical conditions.
Substance abuse, panic disorders, personality disorders, social phobias, and other psychiatric conditions also are found in many dysthymic patients.
It is sometimes used in psychiatric evaluations to assess disordered thinking and in forensic examinations to evaluate crime suspects, even though it is not a diagnostic test.