A positively charged subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and determining the atomic number of an element, composed of two up quarks and a down quark.
The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is a proton.
A proton in an atomic nucleus has an equal positive charge.
The energy from the proton motive force is required to prise the ATP from the active center.
The experiment is located at the proton electron accelerator HERA at DESY in Hamburg, Germany.
This same extended network also supports proton conduction, a flow of positive electricity that occurs much faster than the diffusion of ions.
Ordinary hydrogen has only one proton in the nucleus, while the isotope deuterium has one proton + one neutron.
The protons are transported through the proton conducting electrolyte to the cathode.
Low temperature cells The proton exchange membrane (a.k.a. polymer electrolyte membrane) fuel cell uses a polymeric electrolyte.
The bacterial flagellum is driven by a proton motive force resulting from a gradient of protons.
These enzymes pump protons across the inner membrane, building up a proton gradient.
This generates a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
There they would occasionally strike a proton, creating a positron and a neutron.
The A - ion is a base because it is accepting a proton from the H 3 O + .
So far we have only considered the case of small- t diffraction with respect to the outgoing proton.
These enzymes pump protons across the inner membrane, building up a protons across the inner membrane, building up a proton gradient.
But sum the mass of the valence quarks and you account for less than 1% of the proton's mass.
Early results from trials using proton beam radiotherapy are promising.
Raman spectroscopy, attenuated total reflectance FTIR, and proton NMR were used.
For functional studies we reconstitute purified enzyme into liposomes, to analyze coupling between electron transfer and proton translocation.
This proton transfer is promoted by a glutamate residue adjacent to the pyrimidine ring.
Similarly, the aromatic protons can approach to within 4.5A of the anomeric proton from two different ribose rings.
The assumption of charge independence is used to calculate production by cosmic ray neutrons using spallation cross sections for proton induced reactions.
The angle subtended at the atom center tends toward linearity for proton and tetrahedrality for the oxygen transfer.
A proton readily dissociates from the C that is between N and S in the thiazole ring of TPP.
Proton torpedoes skillfully placed (with an assist from the Force) sparked a chain reaction which destroyed the putatively indestructable battle station.
A base is the opposite of an acid; it is a proton acceptor.
Simultaneously, the other aspartate donates a proton to the oxygen of the peptide carbonyl group.
The acid hydrogen chloride donates a proton to the base ammonia.
If the proton had a mean life of years, how many proton decays would there be per day in the detector?
Roughly speaking, the strings served to bind together the quarks that make up the proton, the neutron and other hadrons.
The use of proton beam irradiation fulfills this requirement.
Dissociation of virtual photons in events with a leading proton at HERA.
Finally, a first analysis of the leading proton spectrometer data where the diffracted proton is directly measured is presented in section 2.4.
This is achieved by combining the calorimetry information with the forward muon system and proton remnant taggers.
In these events, a single high-energy quark is ejected from the target proton, indicative of deep-inelastic scattering.
A current EPSRC-funded project is studying the use of electron and proton beams for the processing of thermosetting polymers and composites.
We are investigating the determination of the uncertainty of the proton parton density functions.
Those who take different kinds of medication, notably proton pump inhibitors (like the common over-the-counter acid reflux drug Prilosec) have lower amounts of the stomach acid needed for proper B12 absorption from food.