Any of a group of naturally occurring lipids derived from the C20 acid prostanoic acid; they have a number of physiological functions and may be considered to be hormones.
Endometrial concentrations of prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha in the follicular phase of the cycle were similar whether or not patients had menorrhagia.
Also, your cervix releases some hormones locally, called prostaglandins.
It also produces prostaglandins that have useful roles in the body.
There are many different types of pyrogens, including prostaglandins, the substances responsible for pain.
Therefore, as you make less prostaglandins, you have less inflammation and pain.
Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are the building blocks for the body to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
Use of misoprostol instead of other prostaglandins for the induction of labor would save a lot of money.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins.
This, in turn, converts to beneficial prostaglandins that help regulate cell activity.
Because of their effect on renal prostaglandins, cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors such as naproxen can increase the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporin.
Because aspirin blocks the synthesis of prostaglandins, it acts within the damaged tissue itself rather than on the nervous system.
Consumers should also be aware that bottles of the serum sold on eBay may be the old formula and contain prostaglandins.
Acetaminophen stops the production of prostaglandins, which cause the feeling of pain in the body.
The symptoms of histiocytosis are caused by substances called cytokines and prostaglandins, which are normally produced by histiocytes and act as messengers between cells.
They work primarily by interfering with the formation of prostaglandins, enzymes implicated in pain and inflammation.
Many experts believe that prostaglandins, hormone-like substances involved in pain and inflammation and which trigger uterine muscle contractions, are responsible for causing menstrual cramping.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, may block the production of prostaglandins and can be very effective in the treatment of menstrual cramps.
In the case of severe cramping, doctors may recommend a low-dose oral contraceptive to prevent ovulation, which may reduce the release of prostaglandins and the severity of the cramps.
Transposition of the great arteries may be treated by the use of medications called prostaglandins which keep the ductus arteriousus open.
These drugs are used to treat pain from inflammation and work by blocking production of pain-enhancing neurotransmitters, such as prostaglandins.
Primary dysmenorrhea is the more common type of dysmenorrhea and is due to the production of prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins are natural substances made by cells in the inner lining of the uterus and other parts of the body.
It appears, however, that the level of prostaglandins has nothing to do with how strong a woman's cramps are.
Some women have high levels of prostaglandins and no cramps, whereas other women with low levels have severe cramps.
Thus cramps must also be related to something other than prostaglandins, such as genetics, stress, and different body types.
The first year or two of a girl's periods are not usually very painful; however, once ovulation begins, the blood levels of the prostaglandins rise, leading to stronger contractions during menstruation.
Prostaglandins can also cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
The appropriate choice of therapy for most women with primary dysmenorrheal is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), which prevents the formation and release of prostaglandins.
The composition of semen includes prostaglandins, which may increase the effacement of the cervix.
Semen contains prostaglandins, a substance that will cause the cervix to ripen.
The reason why this method works for some women is the male semen may contain prostaglandins that help efface the cervix and start labor.