(grammar) A phrase that acts as a pronoun.
(grammar) Of, pertaining to, resembling, or functioning as a pronoun.
In English th represents both the unvoiced sound J as in thin, &c., and the voiced sound 5, which is found initially only in pronominal words like this, that, there, then, those, is commonest medially as in father, bother, smother, either, and is found also finally in words like with (the preposition), both.
Nouns are divided into two classes, one of which takes a pronominal suffix, while the other never takes such a suffix.
We use the type system and our treatment of generalized quantifiers in natural language to construct a type-theoretic approach to pronominal anaphora and ellipsis.
Demonstrative adjectives and adverbs are formed by prefixing the syllable ha (=ecce, " behold") to other pronominal elements, and interrogatives similarly by prefixing the interrogative syllable ay; but there are other interrogative pronouns.
These pronominal suffixes are of much the same form as in Hebrew, but produce less change in the vowels of the words to which they are attached.
Prepositions also are " conjugated " in Welsh, their objects, if pronominal, being expressed by endings.
The verb does not agree with its subject unless the latter is a personal pronoun; when the subject is a noun the verb is put in the third person singular; thus carant, " they love," can take a pronominal subject - carant hwy, " they love "; but " the men love " is car y dynion (not carant y dynion, which can only mean " they love the men ").
Those things which belong to a person, as the parts of his body, &c., take the pronominal suffix; a thing possessed merely for use would not take it.
There are several dialects, the construction resembling Fijian, as in the pronominal suffixes in singular, triad and plural; the numerals, however, are Polynesian in character.