A moving out of place, especially a protrusion of an internal organ
To move out of place; especially for an internal organ to protrude beyond its normal position.
Initial findings from the study show that physiotherapy may offer promise in treating mild to moderate pelvic prolapse.
If the pregnancy is to be fairly soon, a support vaginal ring pessary may relieve some prolapse symptoms.
However this summer I went into the garden to feed her and she had had a prolapse.
The best option is to prevent the prolapse in the first place.
Patients with fragile X syndrome are also at increased risk of developing mitral valve prolapse, which may be causing his breathlessness.
Blood from the rectum and rectal prolapse may be noted in some serious cases.
They suffer leg and foot problems, swollen joints and uterine prolapse.
He confirmed my worst fears - a bad vaginal prolapse.
The mortality and morbidity associated with umbilical cord prolapse.
The National Birthday Trust Fund study of planned home births in the UK reported on the incidence of cord prolapse.
Over the last ten years there has been an increasing call to provide services for urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
I have found it better than the previous large incisions which caused complications like iris prolapse.
An echocardiogram can also detect inheritable conditions such as cardiomyopathy and mitral valve prolapse.
When these valves do not cover the opening between the chambers completely, the condition is called mitral valve prolapse.
Complications of mitral valve prolapse include heart murmurs and arrhythmias.
In rare cases, mitral valve prolapse can cause sudden death.
There is also a possibility of umbilical cord prolapse with a breech birth.
This situation is known as cord prolapse.
Both entrapment and cord prolapse can be potentially fatal to an infant if delivery is delayed.
Some children develop a curvature in the spine, flat feet, and a heart condition known as mitral valve prolapse.
About 50 percent of affected individuals develop mitral valve prolapse, a heart condition, as adults.
Mitral valve prolapse may be detected as a heart murmur but there are usually no symptoms.
Generally the insertion of a fetal scalp electrode is a safe procedure, but it may occasionally cause umbilical cord prolapse or infection due to early amniotomy.
B12 supplementation may exacerbate the symptoms of mitral valve prolapse.
It is naturally the most efficient agent in relieving the discomfort or intolerable pain of photophobia; and it is the best means of breaking down adhesions of the iris, and of preventing prolapse of the iris after injuries to the cornea.