A synthetic progestagen intended to mimic the effects of progesterone, often for contraceptive purposes.
From these glands come a flood of sex hormones-androgen and testosterone in the male, estrogen and progestin in the female-that regulate the growth and function of the sex organs.
These hormones, estrogen and progestin, regulate the female menstrual cycle.
Some types of oral contraceptives use only progestational hormones, but most use a combination of estrogen and progestin.
Monophasic use a fixed dose of both estrogen and progestin during the entire cycle.
Biphasic oral contraceptives use a constant amount of estrogen during the full cycle, but the amount of progestin is lower during the first half of the cycle and increases in the second half.
Triphasic oral contraceptives may vary both the estrogen and progestin levels at different times during the cycle.
Combination pills deliver the hormones estrogen and progestin, which prevents ovulation from occurring.
Certain other medical conditions will determine whether your health care provider recommends an estrogen and progestin pill or one that only contains progestin.
Progestin is synthetic form of progesterone, a natural hormone that helps prepare a woman's uterus for pregnancy.
In most pills, the progestin is based on testosterone.
The progestin in Yasmin is similar to spironolactone, a drug that works on the kidneys.
In addition to helping to prevent pregnancy, this progestin, called drospirenone (drsp) also seems to act as a diuretic.
Although the progestin is technically different, Yasmin birth control has side effects similar to other contraceptive pills.
Because the progestin in Yasmin birth control affects the kidneys, it can also affect the balance of certain substances in the blood.
Most birth control pills contain two hormones, estrogen and progestin.
Some people think that a low-dose pill can reduce the risk of depression or mood swings, but it's the progestin in the pills that seems to cause emotional side effects.
Progestin is necessary to prevent pregnancy, but changing brands of pills may help.
The birth control patch, sold under the brand name Ortho Evra, is made by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. It contains progestin and estrogen, which are the same hormones found in birth control pills.
This option is a combined progestin and estrogen pill.
The emergency pill contains a hormone called progestin levonorgestrel.
It is the fluctuation of estrogen that is to blame for the unpleasant migraines and can be made worse for women who choose to take the combined (estrogen and progestin)low dose pill.
Monophasic pills don't change the levels of progestin and estrogen that you receive throughout the course of a month, except for during the use of the placebo pills at the end of each packet.
These include varying amounts of progestin and estrogen throughout the month.
However, each dose must contain a minimum of 100 mcg of estrogen and .5 mg of progestin.
Most women decide to use permanent contraception to avoid the continuous use of temporary options, which often carry side effects and risks related to synthetic hormones like estrogen and progestin.
This type of intrauterine contraception contains a hormone, like progestin, that is released into the uterus.
Birth control pills such as Errin, Ortho Micronor, and Ovrette contain no estrogen, only progestin.
This is the first FDA-approved birth control with the same amount of synthetic estrogen and progestin in every dose.
Most pills utilize synthetic versions of estrogen and/or progestin (the synthetic form of progesterone) hormones.
Combination pills are the most popular types of pills on the market, whichcontain both estrogen and progestin.
This type of pill isgood for women who are sensitive to estrogen, over the age of 35, or whoare breastfeeding, as progestin does not interfere with milk production.
If you suffer from painful headaches or migraines associated with your cycle each month, choose a pill that features low estrogen and low progestin, such as Alesse.
For example, extended cycle pills contain both progestin and estrogen, but they contain fewer active pills, which translates into fewer periods.
Mini pills are progestin only pills (POP), which doctors may prescribe to women who have medical problems that prevent them from taking estrogen.
Biphasic pills contain two different levels of progestin and estrogen.