To announce or declare.
Proclaim the pure and perfect life.
The government, therefore (Badeni having resigned), had to proclaim the necessary measures by imperial warrant.
On his departure from Norway in 1000, the king commissioned him to proclaim Christianity in Greenland.
Here in December 1880 a great meeting of Boers resolved again to proclaim the independence of the Transvaal.
Established as an advocate at Clermont, he did not hesitate to proclaim his republican sympathies.
The Bundesrat could proclaim a state of siege in.
Some proclaim that grapefruit burns fat, but no studies appear to back this claim.
Instead they proclaim, "I'm a Brown City Bear!"
We find they proclaim their unbelief in every thing.
Cyprian was the first to proclaim the identity of heretics and schismatics by making a man's Christianity depend on his belonging to the great episcopal church confederation.
Hisham persuaded them to proclaim himself caliph, and made himself master of Kinnesrin.
It was insinuated that Nehemiah had his prophets to proclaim that Judah had again its own king; it was even suggested that he was intending to rebel against Persia!
We often stress for instance that boom and slump are not antithetical categories as crude GCSE textbooks proclaim.
We proclaim the damnation of other men at the peril of our own souls.
They proclaim the acceptance of the spirit of Mendelssohn's reconciliation of the Jews to modern life.
But there were many malcontents, principally among the Lithuanians, who solicited the intervention of Russia in favour of the elector of Saxony, son of the late king, and in October 1733 a Russian army appeared before Warsaw and compelled a phantom diet (it consisted of but 15 senators and Augustus 500 of the szlachta) to proclaim Augustus III.
The change from storm and winter to serene and mild weather, from dark and sluggish hours to bright and elastic ones, is a memorable crisis which all things proclaim.
We proudly proclaim the merits of the transatlantic alliance.
It's been a harrowing year for Wanda, after enduring the death of both of her parents and having to proclaim bankruptcy after losing her job.
These agencies may only require a parent or parents to proclaim to be of the Christian faith without evidence of any particular Christian affiliation.
Your wedding vows will be a way for you and your partner to proclaim your love verbally.
If you want to proclaim your femininity alongside your cowboy, few things will do that like a pink purse and pink boots.
Many schools proclaim that requiring uniforms for students will actually save parents money.
The capture of Pest had confirmed the Austrian court in its policy of unification, which after the victory of Kapolna they thought it safe to proclaim.
Those of the French humanists who did not proclaim Huguenot opinions found themselves obliged with Muretus to lend their talents to the Counter-Reformation, or to suffer persecution for heterodoxy, like Dolet.
Marcion himself was the next raised up by the good God, to proclaim once more the true gospel.
One of the first acts of the usurper, and one of the most important, was to abandon the semi-ecclesiastical titles of visitor (visitador) or defender (curador) of the realm, and to 111., 1248- proclaim himself king (rei).
Provision was made for the powers owning territory in the conventional basin to proclaim their neutrality.
The teacher, now 35 years of age, intended to proclaim his new gospel first to his old teachers Alara and Udraka, but finding that they were dead, he determined to address himself to his former five disciples, and accordingly went to the Deerforest near Benares where they were then living.
In this endeavour they met at first with little or no success; but as the year 1901 progressed and the Boers still managed to keep the various districts in a ferment, it was deemed necessary by the authorities to proclaim martial law over the whole colony, and this was done on the 9 th of October 1901.
Almost his first duty was to bury the insane Charles VI., who only survived his son-in-law for a few months, and to proclaim his little nephew king of France under the name of Henry II.
Shorn of much of its beauty, the column still stands to proclaim the enduring influence of the foundation of the city.
In 1651 he began to have revelations, and to proclaim himself and his cousin John Reeve, whose journeyman he was, as the two witnesses mentioned in Rev. xi.
Then, on Cavour's advice, King Victor decided to participate himself in the occupation of Neapolitan territory, lest Garibaldi's entourage should proclaim the republic or create anarchy.
The diaries ' publication prompted some commentators to proclaim that the entire history of the Third Reich would have to be rewritten.
I get the impression that I could proclaim myself a senior dietitian then?
Perhaps only a German, or a committed federalist, would be happy to proclaim a lack of democratic accountability as a virtue.
Later to be His Apostles sent to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
Blessed is He whose portrait was drawn by the prophets The twelve children of Jacob proclaim the apostles.
We stand in the candle light and solemnly proclaim the resurrection of the Lord in the ancient and magnificent words of the Exsultet.
Of these there are even some who openly proclaim their refusal to discuss or admit any metaphysical concept.
Blessed is He Whose Portrait was drawn by the prophets The twelve children of Jacob proclaim the apostles.
Local Serb leaders proclaim a new republic separate from Bosnia.
The disciples in turn ran into Jerusalem to proclaim the resurrection.
In 1289, K Edw I claimed the fair and ordered the sh to proclaim it in his name.
It is hypocrisy for the West to proclaim democratic slogans while demeaning and persecuting those who prefer to take a different moral high ground.
What is the point of having any single faith schools if they arenât going to proclaim the superiority of their own faith?
An inundation of the Tiber swept away a large part of Rome, destroying fields, drowning cattle, and causing a famine (162); then came earthquakes, fires and plagues of insects; the soldiers in Britain tried to induce their general Statius Priscus to proclaim himself emperor; finally, the Parthians under Vologaeses III.
Finally, the emperor has the right to proclaim anywhere and at any time a state of siege.
The skull was small, with proportionately minute brain; and the arched back, strong lumbar vertebrae, long and powerful tail, and comparatively feeble fore-quarters all proclaim kinship with the primitive creodont Carnivora (see Creodonta), from which Phenacodus and its allies, and through them the more typical Ungulata, are probably derived.