In a private manner.
They could discuss it privately when they got home.
Privately, she willed the boy away.
He was privately educated before entering the university.
He privately gloated at his finesse; I think I'm going to break a record here.
He was educated privately and was so precocious a boy as to translate a Latin version of the Battle of the Frogs and Mice into French in 1796, which was published by his father in 1797.
He walked away, leaving her to cry privately.
We all reluctantly entered our vitals privately, including information on baby Claire.
Katie teased Carmen privately, saying that the honeymoon was over, and Lori asked what they were fighting about.
When he was able to do so privately, he leaned down and whispered in Carmen's ear.
After dinner, Alex told Alondra he wanted to talk to her privately.
With one of the daughters, Margaret, he carried on a long correspondence, which was afterwards published by the lady, who declared that they were privately married.
The same year he printed privately The Tables of the Law and the Adoration of the Magi, afterwards published in a volume of Mr Elkin Mathews's "Vigo Street Cabinet" in 1904.
And yet, he had allowed her to talk privately.
Natasha and Nicholas often noticed their parents conferring together anxiously and privately and heard suggestions of selling the fine ancestral Rostov house and estate near Moscow.
He probably wanted to say good-bye privately.
If we disagree, we do so privately.
Her heart pounding, she took his hand and led him off the verandah into the garden where they could speak privately.
Hall's International Law, and more at length in an interesting paper contributed by John Westlake to the International Journal of Ethics, October 1896, which its author has reprinted privately.
The spread of the Amalrican doctrine led to fierce persecutions, and the provincial council which met at Paris in 1209 expressly decreed " that neither the books of Aristotle on natural philosophy, nor commentaries on the same, should be read, whether publicly or privately, at Paris."
The great sensational philosopher was a thoroughly trained physician, and practised privately.
In November he caught smallpox and was very seriously ill, so that the book was not given to the world till the spring of 1724 (and then of course, as it had no privilege, appeared privately).
These he had originally intended to publish alone, and an earlier privately printed Morte d'Arthur,- Dora, and other Idylls, of 1842, is the despair of book-collectors.
This is the time of two of his rare, privately printed pamphlets, The Window; or, the Loves of the Wrens (1867), and The Victim (1868).
On the expulsion of the younger Dionysius, he returned to Athens, and, finding it impossible to profess philosophy publicly owing to the contempt of Plato and Aristotle, was compelled to teach privately.
The revisers were privately supplied with instalments of Westcott and Hort's text as their work required them.
For a short time he studied medicine, but in 1659 was privately ordained.
Kahoolawe and Lanai are both privately owned.
The small islands of Lanai, Niihau and Kahoolawe are devoted chiefly to the raising of sheep and cattle - Niihau is one large privately owned sheep-ranch.
He was educated privately and at a dissenting academy in London, and became chaplain and companion to a Mr Streatfield at Stoke Newington.
He was the son of the rector of Hauxwell, Yorkshire, and was privately educated by his father.
There is also an Arabian mission, begun privately in 1888 and transferred to the Board in 1894.
Four years after her death the king privately wedded a handsome young gentlewoman, Christina Munk, by whom he had twelve children, - a connexion which was to be disastrous to Denmark.
Educated privately, he entered the artillery in Cologne, but defective eyesight compelled him to leave the army.
According to one account, Darnley privately assured his uncle George Douglas of his wife's infidelity; he had himself, if he might be believed, discovered the secretary in the queen's apartment at midnight, under circumstances yet more unequivocally compromising than those which had brought Chastelard to the scaffold.
These latter, of whom Murray himself was the chief, privately laid before the English commissioners the contents of the famous casket.
The government of the residency of Batavia differs from that of the other residencies in having no native regencies, the lands being privately owned.
Though it was forthwith printed in the course of the year 1642, he was content to circulate a limited number of copies privately 1; and when he found his work received with applause (it was praised even by Descartes), he seems to have taken this recognition of his philosophical achievement as an additional reason for deferring publication till the earlier works of the system were completed.
We thus get the compact between Paul and Peter during the famine, then a visit of Peter to Antioch, during which Peter first adopted and afterwards drew back from the position which he had agreed to privately.
It effectively controls only the privately owned lines in Prussia.
He was privately educated, being his father's intimate and constant companion, and derived from him his early literary enthusiasm.
He visited privately many of the leading citizens of the city, statesmen, divines and merchants, and besought them to take the lead in a national movement against slavery; but they all with one consent made excuse, some of them listening to his plea with manifest impatience.
The first translation into modern English was by Miss Anna Gurney, privately printed in 1819.
These lines are privately owned.
In the paper which he left signed, and to which he referred in answer to the questions wherewith the busy bishops plied him, he expressed his sorrow for having assumed the royal style, and at the last moment confessed that Charles had denied to him privately, as he had publicly, that he was ever married to Lucy Walters.
Broughton also wrote Recollections of a Long Life, printed privately in 1865, and in 1909 published with additions in 2 vols.
An account of his life, privately printed, was written by the Rev. John Kelly (1150-1809), the Manx scholar, who married one of his granddaughters.
To replace it Mr Shaw wrote Mrs Warren's Profession, a powerful but disagreeable play, which was rejected by the censor and not presented until the 5th of January 1902, when it was privately given by the Stage Society at the New Lyric Theatre.
The outcome of all his labours was, however, only the first part of Studies and Researches in the Times and Life of Cardinal Bessarion, embracing the period of the council of Florence (privately printed at Jena, 1871), a catalogue of the MSS.
He resolved to meet with Tetzel and with Luther privately before he produced his credentials.
Matthew Stewart (his eldest son) wrote a life in Annual Biography and Obituary (1829), republished privately in 1838.