A child between 10 and 12 years of age, at the onset of adolescence.
Of, relating to, or designed for, or being children between the ages of approximately 10 and 12.
Even preteen and teen girls love stuffed animals!
Elementary-school-aged and preteen girls tend to identify most with Birdy, but there are plenty of boys who continue to enjoy her story as well.
From her goofy Nickelodeon show, to her role in 2007's musical Hairspray, Bynes has shown she has the comedic chops that appeal to more than just the preteen set.
They look great on girls from toddler to preteen age.
It's important to measure a girl in order to get the proper fit -- this is an area of confusion for many adult women, so a preteen or teenager probably has no idea how to figure out her bra size.
While a preteen chat room would typically be reserved for users who aren't yet teenagers, because the site doesn't allow users under 13, the Pre-Teen Chat room at Chat Center is actually designated for younger teens that are 13-15.
Teen and preteen girls, particularly girls ages nine to 14, began copying Hannah Montana's trendy wardrobe by purchasing items from her clothing line as well as the show's related merchandise.
Yet the preteen still needs guidance and parental involvement in order to make the best decisions and to work through difficult situations.
It can be tough to stay calm and cool in the face of these preteen attitudes.
For an elementary aged child or preteen, look for houses with more accessories.
Whether you're decorating a nursery for your newborn or trying to come up with a stylish new look for your preteen daughter's bedroom, you're guaranteed to find what you need at Bombay Kids.
As a "girl next door" who enjoys comedic acting, she draws the preteen and teen crowds, but also appeals to older fans.
From cute and frilly to little diva style, you'll find a nice selection of nightgowns for girls from toddler to preteen.
Preteen girls wear long dresses, but the skirts are still full and generally called ball gowns.
If you're shopping for your preteen or teenage boy, purchase a jacket and pants that will be suitable for other occasions if possible.
It generally increases through childhood and reaches its intensity in the preteen and teen years.
If your preteen or teen is looking for some online dress-up fun, then Paper Doll Heaven just might be... heaven.
If your preteen or young teen is itching for her own wheels, check out the Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro-style Electric Scooter.
While your preschooler may only worry about wearing his favorite shirt, the preteen and teen set will most certainly be all about fashions.
Collectibles-Do you know a teen or preteen who collects a particular item, such as music boxes, coins, stamps, cards, etc.?
Basically, it's a bra made for preteen and teen girls who are developing breasts.
I am going to add maternity bras very shortly and I have some preteen bras shipping to me at the moment.
While there's no set age for wearing a training bra, most girls begin to wear them sometime during the preteen to young teenage years.
Spend some time at LoveToKnow Teens and quickly discover a variety of tips, advice, and general information applicable to anyone who is a teen, preteen, or close to one.
As anyone who has ever had to shop for a preteen knows, gifts for tween girls can be challenging to say the least.
Since each preteen girl has such different interests these days, this step is vital if you want to pick the perfect gift for your tween.
In those cases, there are some tried and true gifts that almost every teen or preteen girl loves.
While mini versions are the perfect gift for that preteen in your life, celebrate and spoil the girl in you by buying one of these as a gift for yourself.
Stores like Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Gap Kids, Steve & Barry's and Kids Footlocker continue to be teen and preteen favorites.
Then, five kids from Boston hit the scene with a little sugary pop number called Please Don't Go Girl, and preteen girls across the world swoon.