A prefrontal bone, scale, etc.
Of, pertaining to or situated in the anterior part of the frontal lobe.
Of, pertaining to or situated in front of the frontal bone.
No ectopterygoid pterygoid not extending to quadrate; no supratemporal or squamosal; prefrontal forming a suture with nasal; coronoid present; vestiges of pelvis present.
The prefrontal bones are still in contact with the nasals as in the previous families, but the coronoid bones of the mandibles are absent as in the remaining families, and this loss also occurs in the Boine Charina.
Prefrontal bones are present in the Salamandridae and Amphiumidae, but absent (or fused with the nasals) in the other Caudata and in the Ecaudata.
The performance of patients with lesions to the prefrontal cerebral cortex on these tasks will be described.
In addition, lowered activity in the prefrontal cortex relative to controls has been reported for those with autism.
He experienced extreme stress at seeing the child in imminent danger, and that information entered his brain with such force and urgency that it bypassed the prefrontal cortex and other higher brain centers.
Another part of your brain that helps you reason and judge is called the prefrontal cortex and it isn't functioning very well at this time.
The particular area of the brain he focused on was the prefrontal region which indicates tension, liveliness or resting.
Genetic factors, including abnormalities in the structure of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, may play a role in an inherited predisposition to antisocial behaviors.
Exuberant children, on the other hand, are thought to have a relatively high level of activity in the prefrontal cortex in response to certain stimuli.
Prefrontal bones are absent; post-frontals are possibly indicated by a frequently occurring separate centre of ossification in the postorbital process, to which the frontals always contribute.