A baby that has been born prematurely
Preemies who weigh more at birth typically have a better chance of survival, also.
Parents today have it a little easier than the parents of preemies in the past, at least as far as preemie clothing goes.
Check out Websites such as Preemies R Us, Nurture Place, Itty Bitty Bundles, and
While each premature baby is treated individually, there are some common practices that are performed on preemies.
While full term babies fit perfectly fine in a regular size bouncer, preemies often appear almost lost.
Preemies often need that added sense of security that comes with swaddling, and a bouncer for preemie babies should also give them a snug feeling as well.
There are numerous places to shop for bouncers that will work for preemies.
Parents of preemies will typically number the task of finding appropriate clothing on the bottom of the list when it comes to their tiny baby.
Here you can find numerous sites that cater to parents of preemies, with lots of clothing selections.
Many of these sites simply offer baby freebies that are also suitable for preemies.
Because preemies often grow at a slower rate than full term babies, growth charts that include physical and mental developments are often calculated differently.
Most preemies spend some time in the NICU, so choose a swaddling wrap that won't interfere with any necessary tubes or wires, IVs or pipe lines.
It is specifically designed for newborns, especially preemies.
Your early arrival will almost always be smaller and slower than full term children who share his birth date, and sometimes preemies can even be behind schedule of other preemies.
You can also join various online support groups such as What to Expect if you are looking to find camaraderie with other parents of preemies during this difficult time of growing and waiting.
Finding PJs for preemies can be a bit of a challenge, as these tiny babies don't normally fit the size proportions of mainstream manufacturers.
For this reason, many moms of preemies can't wait to go shopping once they get the green light from nurses.
Since preemies often have heads that have grown slightly ahead of their bodies, these hats can usually be worn even long before the matching outfit, giving you your money's worth.
Gymboree's smallest size ("up to 7 pounds") often fits preemies well, and this is especially true with their sleepers.
Wal-Mart is another retail winner when it comes to PJs for preemies.
Even better, Wal-Mart thrives off of seasonal business, so you can always find cute PJs for preemies to fit the theme of the latest holiday.
Preemies R Us is no relation to the popular Babies R Us but carries a strong line of preemie essentials.
Baby sizes include 3-6 months to 18-24 months, plus sizes for newborns and preemies.
This is, for the most part, because parents of preemies do not represent the average consumer.
The Preemie Store is an excellent resource for parents of preemies, even micro preemies.
Jaundice happens when preemies' livers are too immature to process a waste called bilrubin.
Preemies are constantly monitored for apnea.
Preemies are often are anemic, which means they do not have enough red blood cells.
Preemies are more likely to contract pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis.
Generally, preemies will catch up in development to full-term babies within three years.
Preemies, regardless of when they were born, remain at a higher risk of developing learning and behavioral problems.
Some of the charity sewing done for preemies goes directly to the babies.
Some people are interested in making blankets designed for preemies, for example.
Some people also may want to sew heirloom pieces for preemies.
Heirloom sewing for preemies can be an incredibly satisfying way to give something to babies in need.
Many of the marchers in the March for Babies likely did not give a second thought about preemies or the many health hindrances that can come with premature delivery or poor prenatal care - until it happened to them or someone they knew.
For younger children, Gap apparel is available through babyGap, with sizes for preemies through five years.