A baby that has been born prematurely
A preemie may not be able to keep her body temperature warm enough because she has so little body fat.
It comes in sizes preemie baby, newborn and infant, and four beautiful colors, new mint, white, pink and blue.
If your baby is on the small side or even a preemie, you might have a little more difficulty finding infant clothing that will fit her tiny body.
Because you may not be able to find clothing for preemie infants at stores such as Walmart or Kmart, you'll simply have to expand your search.
For many parents, searching for clothes for their preemie is just one more burden during an already stressful time.
While your preemie is in the hospital, clothes shopping can be put on the backburner.
Parents today have it a little easier than the parents of preemies in the past, at least as far as preemie clothing goes.
Hospitals. In many cases, the staff at the hospital which takes care of your preemie may be able to help you find clothing.
There are several volunteer organizations which seek donations of preemie clothes.
Online auction companies, such as eBay allow people to sell their preemie clothing for often a fraction of the original price.
If you can't find any preemie clothes at shops in your area, then it's time to shop online.
Although you may find a wide variety of preemie clothes in lots of styles, you'll want to be sure you purchase plenty of practical clothes.
Until then, it is nice to know that you can outfit him or her in some preemie clothes.
Later on, you might want to think about making it easier for someone else to find preemie clothes by placing your baby's clothes for sale either in your area, online, or donating them to a local hospital.
While you may be able to breastfeed your baby while he is still in the hospital, a preemie baby is often placed on a special formula that is fortified with additional nutrients.
The one constant thought that concerns every parent is when they can take their preemie baby home.
If a family member or friend had her baby early, a preemie gift basket is just what the family needs.
Most parents are not prepared for a preemie.
There are many places you can purchase a preemie gift basket.
If mom and dad already have all the above for baby, you can get creative with your preemie gift basket!
Diaper cakes made from preemie diapers and decorated with other fun baby items are a creative and unique gift.
Finding a bouncer for preemie babies can sometimes be a challenge.
Preemies often need that added sense of security that comes with swaddling, and a bouncer for preemie babies should also give them a snug feeling as well.
Preemie quilts will keep your premature baby safe and warm.
Essential items, such as a baby bed, changing table, rocker, and other nursery accessories are easy to find, but what about the hard-to-find and hard-to-fit preemie items?
Preemie clothes can be difficult to find, but there are other preemie essentials to consider as well, like preemie quilts.
There are definite safety issues to consider when purchasing any type of clothing or bedding for your preemie.
Why, then, would you need preemie quilts?
Finding preemie dresses can be a challenge, especially if you have a particular style in mind.
Unless you live in a large, metropolitan area, you may have already discovered the problem that surrounds purchasing clothing for premature babies, especially preemie dresses.
Even the smallest, newborn dress may look huge on a preemie, and although your baby will no doubt grow into her larger dresses in just a few weeks, finding dresses that fit her tiny body right now can be difficult.
Because most stores order their stock based on supply and demand, the availability of preemie clothes is often quite limited, and in smaller areas, these sizes may be impossible to find.
When it comes to finding preemie dresses for your tiny girl, you may just have to get creative!
Online auctions-Online auctions like eBay sell just about anything you might be looking for, and preemie clothing is no exception.
Taking care of a preemie can leave parents scrambling for baby supplies, but premature baby freebies can help.
Unfortunately, preemie baby items can be difficult to find.
Even the typical baby freebies that are offered from baby catalogs, websites, and the hospital may not fit a preemie.
Most likely, the clothing that is in the baby's room simply won't fit a preemie.
The new mom and dad certainly won't have to time to seek preemie baby supplies much less search for premature baby freebies, so doing this for them will be a huge help!
Not only can you find free preemie items, but you can find a host of other stuff as well.
A preemie calendar can help parents understand if their little one is on track with his or her development.
Because a preemie usually has a few roadblocks to overcome, even if they are fairly minor, development concerns aren't anything to take for granted.
However, the following is list of common guidelines you can refer to in regards to the development of your preemie.
Many parents prefer to keep a preemie calendar in which they can document their infant's progress.
If you need additional help documenting your child's growth and development, you might want to purchase or create a preemie calendar.
A preemie swaddling wrap can help your baby feel safe and secure, allowing you to feel more rested as well.
SwaddleMe-The SwaddleMe preemie wrap comes in small and large sizes.
Self-fasteners allow the swaddle's "wings" to stay firmly in place, and this preemie swaddle wrap will adjust as your baby grows.
It has a matching swaddle wrap that will help your preemie sleep more soundly.
Trinity Swaddling Wrap- The Trinity Swaddling Wrap is named after a special preemie--Trinity.