In a predominate manner; predominantly.
Hang a picture in your bedroom that has predominately black (and maybe red, representing your reputation).
Despite the population density, Central Java is predominately rural with an agricultural-based economy.
North Cheam features predominately 1930s semis, although historical buildings can be found in Cheam Village.
These are fresh, unaffected accounts, using the predominately slow tempi that seem to have been prevalent in sacred music for this period.
This is predominately a self-study module, which will be assessed by course work with the support of personal tutors.
Giraffe would also go well with rooms in predominately earth tone colors, rooms with a lot of greenery or a jungle theme, and rooms with a wildlife theme.
The following websites predominately consist of autograph collector websites in which you will have to pay a subscription fee for access to contact information.
You will predominately find a lot of shirts for kids with bands that are now retro, at least to them.
These days they are predominately worn by infants.
At Layline, you can get gear designed predominately for sailing but could also be used for other sports.
Men wore cardigans as well, although these were predominately indoor clothes, with the exception of collegiate letterman cardigans.
This is because both dogs and cats are very popular pets and because they subsist on predominately carnivorous diets.
Situated along the Loire River in the valley, the Loire wine region is known predominately for its white wines.
Box wine lasts longer - Higher end box wines are sold in predominately three-liter "casks."
Angular is generally a term used to describe young wines that display predominately sharp, bitter or tart flavor characteristics.
It is as of 2004 known to be a distinct disorder predominately occurring in children.
Bejel occurs predominately in children aged two to 15 years.
Try a painting in which the colors are predominately red or a few red accessories.
In the Western world, cornrows are unisex and, although predominately worn by black men, they cross racial lines as well.
The category is geared predominately towards resort wear, so these might be dressier options than you had in mind.
Target's selection consists predominately of Mossimo brand suits.
While women may have continued to swim in later centuries, it seems to have been mostly a male activity during the middle ages and Renaissance, predominately because swimming, also called bathing, was done naked.
Speedo has a great selection of kids swimwear, although it predominately offers tankinis for tweens, rather than bikinis.
It owed its style and popularity predominately to Coco Chanel, who saw that fashion could be functional and comfortable, as well as attractive.
These heavy, 13-ounce denim jeans were marketed predominately toward cowboys (yes, cowboys), rodeo riders, seaman and loggers.
France is predominately Catholic, so many Christmas celebrations are centered in the church.
It can be a source of ongoing exasperation for both parents and daughters that Halloween costumes for teenage girls are predominately sexy, stereotypical,and just plain stupid.
Their solution to this ongoing problem was to begin a foundation that promoted movies that reflected their predominately Judeo/Christian beliefs.
The channel features films from all movie studios, but predominately movies made by Warner Brothers and those owned by Turner Entertainment.
These assessments were developed with research studies whose subjects were predominately, if not entirely, males with Asperger's Syndrome.
Flexitarians eat a predominately vegetarian diet, but may include poultry or fish on occasion.
Attaining a permanent reduction predominately involves wearing the corset for a certain number of hours every day.
While these are predominately made for boys and girls, adult fans of both genders can find gear that, if not proper pajamas, at least makes for comfy sleepwear that shows where your football allegiance lies.
If you're looking for a slip that is predominately lace, you may have your best luck shopping for vintage lingerie.
Compression Gear offers a range of compression wear designed predominately for performance, although they can also be worn as everyday underwear.
Since an online search for punk pajamas predominately yields the children's wear, you're better off searching for something gothic.
The Oman sultanate is predominately Ibadhi.
The genes for hK2 and PSA are expressed predominately in the prostate, are transcriptionally up-regulated by androgens, and share 78% homology.