The state of being predisposed or susceptible to something, especially to a disease or other health problem
By a combination of these morbid predispositions with the action of deleterious influences from without all diseases were produced.
His own strong predispositions prevented him from accomplishing this, however, and the history remains open to grave scientific criticism.
Furthermore, the prevailing philosophies of the r8th century tended to demand that a real divine revelation should be one which expressed itself in a form convincing to the reason of the average plain man, whatever his predispositions might be; it was obvious that the New Testament did not wholly conform to this standard.
These worms live in the small intestine of dogs Toxocara canis worms taken from one dog Breed Occurrence There are no specific breed predispositions.
These worms live in the small intestine of cats Electron Microscope Image Breed Occurrence There are no specific breed predispositions.
There are plenty of predispositions for a woman conceiving twins, including family history and method of conception.