In a precarious manner; dangerously
He lived precariously during his younger years.
Many species are counted to be precariously on the edge of extinction.
It wobbled precariously, about to fall.
After his return to England, he lived chiefly in London and latterly in Putney, subsisting precariously upon the earnings of his.
He leaned precariously over the edge, making me nervous.
The child leaned precariously over the edge of the dock, peering into the water.
Her house was precariously perched on the edge of the hillside.
She left her books standing precariously in a haphazard pile.
Scott pedaled precariously down the street, doing his best to avoid puddles and potholes.
She paused, precariously wavering on the edge of some hurtful words.
I am amazed at the number of trees and bushes that precariously grow on the side of this cliff.
Her vision blurred with tears, and she stood precariously.
The gutters hung precariously on the side of the house.
The elevator seemed to be held up precariously; I doubted it would hold more than a few people.
We climbed up on the precariously balanced step to the rope and spotted the rusty old piton that it was attached to.
The provisional legis lature of the Territory of Jefferson maintained a wholly illegal but rather creditable existence somewhat precariously and ineffectively until 1861.
So here we go, an unlikely 'wedding procession', tooling precariously down the highway to the nearest of these eating establishments.
For a few moments the car hung there, the back half solidly on the ground, the front hanging precariously over the cliff.
Kieran and Charlie were ready to bust out some ditties, with 4 exposed kneecaps, two acoustic guitars and a precariously placed clarinet.
The Council of Lyons proclaimed the union, which was destined to be effective for a few years at least and to be prolonged precariously in the midst of unfavourable circumstances.
It is a mere enumeration of a few known facts, makes no use of exclusions or rejections, concludes precariously, and is always liable to be overthrown by a negative instance.6 In radical opposition to this method the Baconian induction begins by supplying helps and guides to the senses, whose unassisted information could not be relied on.
Small, top-heavy and/or precariously supported objects may be shifted or fall down.
Here, precariously hugging wind-swept cliffs are literally hundreds of castle ruins, connected in many cases to the warrior clans Sinclair and Gunn.
We have been wavering precariously on the edge of bankruptcy for some time.
Chest straps rise from a center mount on the bottom to precariously cover the breasts.
The dishes are towered precariously in the sink and the two year old thinks he's going to wash them.
We were operating by pure feel in the total darkness where balancing alone was precariously.
At last, our opening was large enough for Molly O'Malley to scrape and squeeze he way up, standing precariously on my aching shoulders!