A cunning or mischievous trick; a prank, a joke.
Cunning, astute.
What do you do to avoid making a total prat of yourself?
He'd behaved like a complete prat, standing there in full view of anyone who wanted to take a pot-shot at him.
Ps... ... ... Also there is no such thing as a " hissy fit " either ya prize prat.
The family of Lamartine was good, and the title of Prat was taken from an estate in Franche Comte.
It was a good job nobody could see me I must have looked a right prat.
It's no wonder they thought you were a pervert if you were sitting on a bus feeling a prat.
What did the prat have to say about this - is what I'd like to know?
He is no longer the arrogant, sneering prat of a few years ago.
After the death of his wife in 1507 Du Prat had taken orders; he received the bishoprics of Valence, Die, Meaux and Albi, and the archbishopric of Sens (1525); in 1527 he became cardinal, and in 1530 papal legate.