A prancing movement.
(of a horse) To spring forward on the hind legs.
To strut about in a showy manner.
You can either prance around in a transparent bodystocking or you may find a lacy teddy is more to your taste.
If you're the adventurous type with a body that keeps onlookers staring, slip into a tiny bit of material and prance right out the door.
The most characteristic Prance in symptom of this distress was the brigandage carried 1510.
You don't have to prance around in front of your significant other if you don't want to; try wearing a pair of seductive panties to work, underneath your conservative clothes, to get a feel for them.
The sound of the bamboo staves hitting each other and the ground is quite loud and startling, and implies danger to the dancers who prance in and out of the spaces created by the rhythmic pounding.