Common cold, head cold; catarrh.
Position, posture, arrangement (especially of the human body).
Please adopt a more graceful pose for my camera.
To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.
To pose a model for a picture.
To ask; to set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).
To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).
(in the phrase "to pose as") To falsely impersonate (another person or occupation) primarily for the purpose of accomplishing something or reaching a goal.
To assume or maintain a pose; to strike an attitude.
To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration.
To interrogate; to question.
To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.
To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.
To puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.
To perplex or confuse (someone).
Provided he poses no danger to us, yes.
The chapter title poses a valid question.
She's completely enamored by you and has no power, so she poses no danger.
From past experience the first part never poses any problems but people often flounder when it comes to the second.
While Postscript is fine for print jobs it poses special problems to the screen-oriented designer.
When people hear the term "female photography" most automatically think of nude or semi-nude images of buxom women striking seductive poses.
This poses a dilemma for us in the South West.
This poses a problem where species-rich grassland, for example, is desired.
Baghdad is festooned with large posters of the Iraqi leader in various poses handling guns, which anyone over 25 can buy.
A key element within the Part IIA regime for determining whether a site poses a risk, is the pollutant linkage concept.
Chicago now poses ruthless mayhem of problems in its.
Chicago now poses recordingswhen mickey marcello just say deuces wild is going to.
It poses a particular dilemma for a species already predisposed to enter a state of denial about personal mortality.
I come from a background of Iyengar and I like to feel the poses, even in a sun salutation.
And yet, state secularism still poses a real threat to genuine pluralism.
Super Ultra Masters - Eric Dowey Eric poses as well as his confident swagger on to the stage would suggest.
Fuel Most resorts use large underground storage tanks to fuel lifts, which poses a risk to the environment through a potential for leakage.
The White Paper poses the question of whether the detention time limits are adequate and whether the detail of PACE is too great.
When such an ascetic person reincarnates back to Earth then he poses severe problems for parents.
The aim is to identify and to remediate land, which poses unacceptable risks to human health and/or the wider environment.
And scot mccloughan and take pressure chicago now poses.
It poses the specter of nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorist groups and rogue nations.
Note that the relative poses of the vehicles in Figure 5 are stable even tho the vehicles subtend only a few pixels.
New England Patriots Cheerleader Brittany Medeiros poses for the 2006-07 Patriots Cheerleaders swimsuit calendar.
Read the advice below on how to purchase a baseball bat and you'll be striking Babe Ruth poses in no time at all.
Megapixels and higher are used for those professional shots like modeling poses, headshots, or poster size pictures of people or landscapes.
This poses several problems, the most common being that paying in full drains your bank account and makes it necessary for you to wait until your next paycheck before you can make any more purchases.
Feline renal failure poses a serious risk to your cat's life.
However, the descent poses nothing short of poetic trepidation that will lead a cat to freeze in its lofty position and howl into the night.
An ear mite can be mildly to severely irritating for your cat, but it poses no lethal threat.
Foods may be contaminated with bacterial diseases such as salmonella which poses a risk to humans handling the product.
The Food and Drug Administration maintains that, at the levels that are found in commercial products, BPA poses no significant health risk.
Harvesting hydropower poses a risk to fish and other aquatic life and when bioenergy comes from burning crops, harvesting the large amounts of crops needed to create fuel poses a risk to our food supply.
This litter poses harmful environmental impacts with the added complication that plastic bags are resistant to decomposition and may persist for decades.
Rain runoff from urban communities and cities still poses great environmental pollution threats.
This poses the question as to what nutritional factors are involved in such conditions.
Regardless of how perfect your makeup application may be, summer poses a whole range of stay proof makeup challenges.
There are several poses that a woman can assume when taking nude photos.
The wardrobe (or lack thereof), poses, lighting and the overall mood of the photo will determine which category it falls into.
Talk to her about who the photos are for, both before and during the shoot, to help keep her focused on her poses.
Individuals new to nude modeling may need extra encouragement and assurance throughout the shoot in order to get the sexiest poses from them.
Poses where you longingly stare at your partner can be far more sexy than poses that are overtly sexual.
If you are wearing special outfits for your shoot, be sure to choose poses that accentuate them.
Arbus' photos of transvestites, dwarves, giants, prostitutes and mental patients, in poses and settings that convey a disturbing humanity are still influential today.
Female photography is not all about distasteful shots of half-clothed women in raunchy poses.
Simple items, including a pet, toy, ball or even an empty box, can lend themselves to exceptionally darling poses.
Whereas erotica features a subject's genitalia or other bare private parts as the central focus of a photo, sensual female photography tastefully conceals the model's genitals and concentrates on positioning the subject in artful poses.
This doesn't include the same lewd poses or sex toy props used in erotic photo shoots.
If your client is looking for classy and romantic photos, you should comply with her wishes and avoid asking her to strike provocative poses that she feels uncomfortable with.
When choosing family portrait poses, don't simply arrange the subjects in a straight line.