Infected by the HIV virus
Not negative or neutral.
Formally laid down.
Stated definitively and without qualification.
Fully assured in opinion.
I’m absolutely positive you've spelt that wrong.
Of number, greater than zero.
Characterized by constructiveness or influence for the better.
Overconfident, dogmatic.
Actual, real, concrete, not theoretical or speculative.
Having more protons than electrons.
(grammar) Describing the primary sense of an adjective, adverb or noun; not comparative, superlative, augmentative nor diminutive.
‘Better’ is an irregular comparative of the positive form ‘good’.
Derived from an object by itself; not dependent on changing circumstances or relations; absolute.
The idea of beauty is not positive, but depends on the different tastes of individuals.
Characterized by the existence or presence of distinguishing qualities or features, rather than by their absence.
The box was not empty – I felt some positive substance within it.
Characterized by the presence of features which support a hypothesis.
The results of our experiment are positive.
Of a visual image, true to the original in light, shade and colour values.
A positive photograph can be developed from a photographic negative.
Favorable, desirable by those interested or invested in that which is being judged.
The first-night reviews were largely positive.
Wholly what is expressed; colloquially downright, entire, outright.
Good lord, you've built up a positive arsenal of weaponry here.
He has a positive outlook on life.
Basic; metallic; not acid; opposed to negative, and said of metals, bases, and basic radicals.
HIV positive.
(New Age jargon) Good, desirable, healthful, pleasant, enjoyable; (often precedes 'energy', 'thought', 'feeling' or 'emotion').
It can be used as a stand-alone system or to integrate an existing POS (point of sale) system.
A major advantage of Photo Pos Pro is that it is one of the few professional photo editing programs that is free and customizable.
The temperature required in the fusion of sheet-glass and of other glasses produced in tank furnaces is much lower than that attained in steel furnaces, and it is consequently pos Since the discovery of the Röntgen rays, experiments have been made to ascertain the effects of the different constituents of glass on the transparency of glass to X-rays.
More personal than Ouranos and Helios - with whom he has only slight associations - he was worshipped and invoked as the deity of the bright day ('Apapcos, 'Aevea70s, AvKa70s), who sends the rain, the wind and dew ("Op(3pcos, Naios, `Tetcos, Oupcos, EMIÆpos, 'IK,uaZos), and such a primitive adjective as Sc17rET7)3, applied to things " that fall from heaven," attests the primeval significance of the name of Zeus.
Our retail services team also boast vendor accreditations in IBM POS, Cisco RF equipments and Symbol RF equipment.
Photo Pos Pro is a free photo editor for both professionals and home users and is known for both its easy-to-use interface and its powerful advanced editing tools.
Photo Pos Pro gets a good rating due to its extensive features and free price.
If you're willing to learn the program's many features, Photo Pos Pro is an excellent choice as a free image editing option.
You'll have to choose between an HMO, PPO, POS, or fee-for-service health care insurance plans.
A point of sale (POS) is literally the location at which a sales transaction can take place.
For increasing the average invoice, nothing beats the POS display.
Your shop windows or interior displays will form your customers' first impressions of you, but your POS will form their last.
A POS or point of service health plan is an indemnity plan.
If you are young, single and in good health, a POS insurance plan may be a good option.
There are other types of insurance available as well, including POS (point of service), traditional fee for service plans and indemnity plans.
Point of Service (POS) and PPO (Participating Provider) insurance coverage may offer discounted fees for using providers and facilities within the insurance company network.
Although the goddess of agriculture is naturally inclined to peace and averse from war, the memory of the time when her land was won and kept by the sword still lingers in the epithets xpvuaopos and 1.4n7 pos and in the name Triptolemus, which probably means " thrice fighter " rather than " thrice plougher."
Sometimes, no doubt, this tribute was demanded under a fairer name, as the contribution of any ally (vuvTa, ts, not 4p pos), like the FaXanKd levied by Antiochus I.
The temperature required in the fusion of sheet-glass and of other glasses produced in tank furnaces is much lower than that attained in steel furnaces, and it is consequently pos Since the discovery of the Rntgen rays, experiments have been made to ascertain the effects of the different constituents of glass on the transparency of glass to X-rays.
His strongest arguments are that the wind would easily develop into the messenger of the gods (Len oU pos), and that it was often thought to promote fertility in crops and cattle.
Moreover Casimir's difficulties were materially increased by the necessity of paying for Czech mercenaries, the pos polite ruszenie, or Polish militia, proving utterly useless at the very beginning of the war.
The article " Aphrodite " 1 No satisfactory etymology of the name has been given; although the first part is usually referred to iu pos (" the sea foam "), it is equally probable that it is of Eastern origin.
There is a particular focus on motorway service stations with poster advertising on the forecourt, pump nozzles and pos in store.
Wireless and POS terminals need to be programmed by your financial institution before they can be used.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Pos to Pre.
Hausmann in 1813, alludes to the arsenic and iron present (cfipµ.aKov, poison, and aLo pos, iron).
The prostatic urethra runs downward through the prostate rather nearer the anterior than the pos terior part.
Recovered the Provenal pos sessions of Ramon Berenguerll.