Containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity.
Once the Ministry of Information closed a magazine that presented women in a pornographic manner, but then allowed it to reopen shortly after.
A pornographic home video of Anderson and then-husband Tommy Lee was stolen and distributed over the Internet by the Internet Entertainment Company.
Upon inspection of the DVDs, local Police found a number of pornographic disks including bestiality.
A common misconception faced by many nudist photographers is that their images are pornographic.
As a teenager, she appeared in pornographic an S&M video.
It is common for both male and female runaways living on the streets to steal, panhandle, deal and abuse drugs, engage in prostitution, and pose for pornographic pictures.
However, keep in mind that save for the bikini mentioned above, these suits are basically pornographic in nature.
Unfortunately, it wasn't for his musical or acting talents; rather, Ray J became an unlikely star when he appeared in a pornographic home video with then-girlfriend Kim Kardashian.
She was also offered a million dollar payout to appear in a pornographic movie, which she also declined.
The biography of Ray J took a sudden turn in 2007, when a pornographic video featuring Ray J and his then girlfriend Kim Kardashian was leaked.
Do not visit sites or download files containing obscene, pornographic, discriminatory or otherwise offensive material.
One is artistic, the other is pornographic.
Almost all border on pornographic, so if you're hoping to purchase the least wild of these styles, you may want to stick to the plain black nylon varieties or simply go with a traditional speedo.
They are supposed to block pornographic sites and other inappropriate material.
In addition, no pornographic, sexually explicit or obscene posts are permitted.
Detractors often criticize the event for its partial nudity and possibly pornographic undertones.
When he attempted to run ads in the local papers, he was refused on the basis that the ads were pornographic.