Of or relating to polytheism,
It is now more usually given to polytheistic races, thus excluding Mahommedans.
The term properly implies a clear polytheistic conception of gods in contrast with men, while it recognizes that some men cross the dividing line.
It presents itself historically as an intellectual revolt against the difficulties involved in the presupposition of theistic and polytheistic systems, and in philosophy as an attempt to solve the dualism of the one and the many, unity and difference, thought and extension.
In a letter home he described Rome as "the most wonderful place on earth," but the Roman Catholic religion as "polytheistic, degrading and idolatrous."
He assumes that the narrative was meant ethically, not physically, in order to eliminate false and polytheistic notions; and he draws attention to that double narrative in Genesis which was elsewhere to be so fruitfully handled.
Impressed with the perversions and corruptions of popular Hinduism, Ram Mohan Roy investigated the Hindu Shastras, the Koran and the Bible, repudiated the polytheistic worship of the Shastras as false, and inculcated the reformed principles of monotheism as found in the ancient Upanishads of the Vedas.
These divinities, however, seem to have had little or no place in the popular faith, which was occupied by polytheistic gods of the ordinary barbaric type.
Tylor, makes the foundation of all religion animistic, but recognizes the non-human character of polytheistic gods.
The more general view that polytheistic and other gods are the elemental and other spirits of the later stages of animistic creeds, is equally inapplicable to Australia, where the belief seems to be neither animistic nor even animatistic in character.
This Barlaam held to be polytheistic, inasmuch as it postulated two eternal substances, a visible and an invisible God.
There are signs also that the polytheistic word gods was obliterated on many of the monuments, but other divine names, though almost entirely excluded from Akhenatons work, were left untouched where they already existed.
Whilst at times a truly monotheistic fervour manifests itself in the adoration of these two gods, the polytheistic instincts of the people did not fail to extend the pantheon by groups of new deities in connexion with them.
This in fact is a frequent fate of a " High God " in polytheistic systems; he is vaguely praised and reverenced, but lower divine powers are nearer to the people's love or fear.
His main principle was a rigid unitarianism which denied the independent existence of the attributes of God, as being incompatible with his unity, and therefore a polytheistic idea.
MacTaggart, works round from idealism to an eternal quasi polytheistic society of equal souls.
About 1850 some of the followers of the new religion discovered that the greater part of the Vedas is polytheistic, and a schism took place, - the advanced party holding that nature and intuition form the basis of faith.
At the same time we ought not to overlook the affinities between the doctrine of Plotinus and that remarkable combination of Greek and Hebrew thought which Philo Judaeus had expounded two centuries before; nor the fact that Neoplatonism was developed in conscious antagonism to the new religion which had spread from Judea, and was already threatening the conquest of the GraecoRoman world, and also to the Gnostic systems (see Gnosticism); nor, finally, that it furnished the chief theoretical support in the last desperate struggle that was made under Julian to retain the old polytheistic worship.
Whilst it can hardly be allowed that Xenophanes, so far from denying, actually affirms a plurality of gods, it must be conceded to Freudenthal that Xenophanes's polemic was directed against the anthropomorphic tendencies and the mythological details of the contemporary polytheism rather than against the polytheistic principle, and that, apart from the treatise De Melisso Xenophane et Gorgia, now generally discredited, there is no direct evidence to prove him a consistent monotheist.
They understand that although yoga has been changed significantly over thousands of years, its foundation stems from the polytheistic deities of Hinduism.
Their idolatry (polytheistic) was unaccompanied by human sacrifice.