Any of many annelid worms, of the class Polychaeta, such as the lugworm; they have a segmented body with pairs of bristles on each segment.
Of these 6, the two first to be considered are very plainly separable and represent the extremes of Polychaete organization.
A further fact must be considered in deciding this question, which is the discovery of ramifying coelomic tubes, approaching close to, but not entering, the epidermis in the Polychaete Arenicola.
Cleavage leads to the formation of an epibolic gastrula and ciliated embryo which hatches as a free-swimming larva remarkably like that of a Polychaete worm (D).
The soft sediment infauna may include amphipods, polychaete worms, bivalves and echinoderms.
The majority of these 50 species are red algae, polychaete worms, crustaceans and mollusks.