The antennae, usually bottle-brush shaped (plumose) in the male sex, are less hairy in the female.
The bees which make up this group agree with the Sphecoidea in the short pronotum, but may be distinguished from all other Hymenoptera by the widened first tarsal segment and the plumose hairs on head and body.
On either side is attached a dorsolateral and ventro-lateral appendage, each with a fan-like plumose termination consisting of compound hairs or setae, found elsewhere only among arthropods (q.v.); each of these is moved by muscles running upwards towards the neck and arising immediately under the trochal disk, the inferior ventro-lateral pair also presenting muscles which form a girdle in the hind region of the body.
Thus, when acting as swimming organs, the appendages, or their rami, are more or less flattened, or oar-like, and often have the margins fringed with long plumose hairs.
This pappus is either simple (pilose) or feathery (plumose).
The very remarkable plumose seeds described by Renault under the name Gnetopsis are of uncertain affinity, but have much in common with Lagenostoma, the seed of Lyginodendron.
We followed the rope up to the foot of the island where the rocks were thick with plumose anemones.
Ninety per cent of the time the Plumose Anemone can be tricked into consuming large fragments of boiled mussel or similar foods.
Among the rocks, you'll find groups of plumose anemones, Devonshire cup corals, tubeworms and maybe a sea lemon nudibranch.
It shows the typical characteristics of Turbinicarpus species in the early seedling stage, i.e.. plumose or feather-like spination and low rounded tubercles.
Plumose, Beadlet and Sagartia troglodytes sea anemones were recorded.
E. aegyptiaca, with silvery-white plumes, maxima, elegans, pilosa, amabilis, pellucida, capillaris, plumose, are all elegant annuals.