Any of various wading birds of the family Charadriidae.
Whenever the crocodile is out of the water the spur-winged plover is its invariable companion.
Europe has three species - Hoplopterus spinosus, the spur-winged plover, and Chettusia gregaria and C. leucura; but the first and last are only stragglers from Africa and Asia.
Many species of ducks are also still found; and the reed-bird (bobolink), " partridge " (elsewhere called quail or " Bob White "), ruffed grouse (elsewhere called partridge), woodcock, snipe, plover and Carolina rail still abound.
There are various kinds of ploversthe blackheaded species (Pluvianus Aegyplius) is most numerous in Upper Egypt; the golden plover and the white-tailed species are found Chiefly in the Delta.
Its eggs are the wellknown "plovers' eggs" of commerce,' and the bird, wary and wild at other times of the year, in the breeding-season becomes easily approachable, and is shot to be sold in the markets for "golden plover."
Those of the redshank, of the golden plover (to a small extent), and enormous numbers of those of the black-headed gull, and in certain places of some of the terns, are, however, sold as lapwings', having a certain similarity of shell to the latter, and a difference of flavour only to be detected by a fine palate.
Other English names are green plover and hornpie - the latter from its long hornlike crest and pied plumage.
The latter, often also called Ox-bird, Plover's Page, Purre and Stint, - names which it shares with some other species, - not only breeds commonly on many of the elevated moors of Britain, but in autumn resorts in countless flocks to the shores.
A kind of plover, Pluvianus aegyptius, often sits upon basking crocodiles, and, since the latter often rest with gaping mouth, it is possible that these agile birds do pick the reptiles' teeth in search of parasites.
Pigeons, partridges, quail, plover, duck, teal, sheldrake, widgeon - all of many varieties - complete the list of small game.
Snipe, plover, turnstones and other shore birds are abundant during xri.
At high altitudes the mountain plover is found; the dusky grouse haunts the forests above 8000 ft.; the white-tailed ptarmigan is resident in the alpine regions; and on the plains are found the prairie sharp-tailed grouse and the sage-hen.
Characteristic types common to the whole country are the teal, snipe, golden plover and wagtail.
The Bill area produced 28 song thrushes, 3 Snipe, 2 Fieldfares, a Lapwing, a Golden Plover and a Redwing.
Though the genus Strepsilas seems to be rightly placed among the Charadriidae (see PLOVER), it occupies a somewhat abnormal position among them, and in the form of its short pointed beak and its variegated coloration has hardly any very near relative.
Right out near the end, a pool held a Ringed Plover and three more Redshanks.
The Bill area produced 28 Song Thrushes, 3 Snipe, 2 Fieldfares, a Lapwing, a Golden Plover and a Redwing.
Nothing special although the large stumpy wader known as the Gray Plover made sudden darts to capture its food.
Ringed Plover Seen in small numbers in suitable habitat.
The populations of a number of wintering waterbirds, such as dunlin, ringed plover and turnstone, have continued to decline.
Besides these waders there are plover (chidori); golden (muna-guro or aiguro); gray (dailee); ringed (shiro-chidori); spur-winged (ken) and Hartings sand-plover (ikaru-chidors); sand-pipersgreen (ashiroshigi) and spoon-billed (hera-shigi)-and water-hens (ban).
The Texas game birds consist chiefly of plover, snipe, teal, mallard and wild geese.
There are numerous species in these sheltered channels, inlets and sounds of geese, ducks, swans, cormorants, ibises, bitterns, red-beaks, curlew, snipe, plover and moorhens.
Geese, ducks and other water fowl frequent the lakes and bays in the migratory season, and eagles, gulls, hawks, kingfishers, owls, plover, woodcock, " partridge " (ruffed grouse), robins, orioles, bobolinks, blue birds, swallows, sparrows, and many other insectivorous birds are common.
Other game birds include the francolin, quail, guineafowl, sand-grouse, snipe, wild duck, wild goose, widgeon, teal, plover and rail.
Its feet also are much more fleshy than are generally seen in the Plover family.
I found a juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstone, and two Long-billed dowitchers in quick order.
One marsh produced our only white tailed plover of the trip along with purple gallinule, many ruff and black winged stilts.
In winter dunlin, ringed and gray plover, redshank, knot and bar-tailed godwit all feed on the mudflats at low tide.
Species such as breeding redshank, lapwing as well as migrant waders including oystercatcher and gray plover are all regularly sighted.
A muddy walk on March 22nd near junction of routes 51 and 57 produced only meadow pipits, Kentish plover and 2 cattle egrets.
On the large estates, management of the heather for grouse helps to conserve wild birds including the golden plover.
But the bird of this area tho was a White tailed plover, an Asian vagrant and only the eighth Hungarian record.
On the drive kestrel, spur winged plover, turtle dove and a distant great gray shrike were added.
The open field pattern to the north is an important site for wintering golden plover.
Inland lochans can hold red-throated divers, while, in summer, the hill ridges and moors have golden plover, curlew and skylark.
Keep an eye open for the waders, gray plover.
Of special interest was a little ringed plover on the salt marsh, a bird more associated with fresh water habitats.
Back To Bird Index LAPWING Lapwing - peewit - green plover - these are different names for the same bird.
However, the book does not mention that greater sand plover are regular in winter on the rocks at Paphos headland.
A green sandpiper feed busily from the gravely beach, which will soon provide breeding areas for little ring plover and common sandpiper.
Right out near the end, a pool held a Ringed Plover and three more redshanks.