Several similar marine flatfish of the righteye flounder family Pleuronectidae:
Large quantities of herring, plaice and halibut are also taken.
It has consequently been proposed that the small plaice should be transplanted in millions to the Bank by well vessels every spring.
Plaice, like other flat-fishes, prefer a sandy flat bottom to a rocky ground, and occur in suitable localities in great abundance; they spawn early in spring, and are in finest condition in the month of May.
The fishermen of the district consequently combined to defray the expenses of transplanting large numbers of small plaice from the outer waters to the inner lagoons, where they were found to thrive far better than in their natural habitat.
But whereas the south coast has the advantage over the west in the herring and plaice fisheries, the reverse is the case in the haddock and cod fisheries, haddock, in particular, being landed in very small quantities at the south coast ports.
The inflowing Baltic undercurrent carries with it herrings and other fish from the North Sea outside, and the submarine current entering the Barents Sea also carries with it such fish as plaice.
The plaice fry hatched in the Scottish establishment have been distributed for many years in the waters of Loch Fyne.
The entrances to the inner lagoons of the Limfjord are naturally blocked against the immigration of flatfish by dense growths of sea-grass (Zostera), although the outer lagoons are annually invaded by large numbers of small plaice from the North Sea.
In this case the deep water round the Dogger Bank acts as a barrier to the emigration of the small plaice from the shores.
These establishments have been principally devoted to the hatching of the eggs of plaice.
As a single female plaice produces about 200,000 eggs per annum, this output does not exceed the natural produce of a few hundred fish.
Yet in this area, according to the investigations of Mr Williamson (Report of the Scottish Fishery Board for 1898), nearly 500 millions of plaice eggs are naturally produced in one spawning season.
Evidence is still lacking as to whether the 20 to 30 million fry annually added from the hatchery have appreciably increased the quantities of young plaice on the surrounding shores.
The fish (cod, haddock, huss, plaice) is deep fried in flour batter and is eaten with chips.
Main course could be roast beef; braised lambs ' kidneys; baked halibut steak or a whole grilled plaice.
I've also used it to good effect to catch several nice plaice to about 4 lbs.
Flatties, including the occasional small plaice, follow the tide in here.
Flounder, dab, plaice, and sole were common, and halibut, turbot, and brill less so.
The " Skerries " are famed for producing many good plaice throughout the year.
Went to the Narrow boat pub for lunch where I had a very good chicken curry (£ 4.35) and Beryl had plaice.
He was there with his Dad in the first place when they made the first plaice.
The life wasn't limited to scallops with rays, sole, plaice and plenty of crabs being seen.
My best plaice weighed 3 lbs 15 ozs - just short of the magic 4 lbs barrier.
Anchoring local Plaice marks Finally, the best specimen plaice marks Finally, the best specimen Plaice frequently fall to boats at anchor on good marks.
We also had about a dozen plaice between 1¼ lbs & 2 lbs.
Plaice have obvious bright orange spots and rows of small bony protuberances on the head.
The cooked fish menu includes cod, plaice, haddock, lemon sole, sea bass - all grilled and with chips.
A terrible strain on such a rod but it brought me my first successes with plaice, flounder, dab, whiting and mackerel.
The trawl fisheries of the coast yield sole, plaice, turbot, brill, skate, &c., of which a large part is brought alive to the market.
Other allowable fish includes white fish such as cod, haddock and plaice, and those to avoid are fried fish and fish roe.
This transplantation of plaice in Denmark has been annually repeated for several years with the most successful results, and a suitable subvention to the cost is now an annual charge upon the government funds.
Experiments with labelled plaice, carried out in 1904 by the Marine Biological Association, showed that small plaice transplanted to the Dogger Bank in spring grew three times as rapidly as those on the inshore grounds, and the same result, with insignificant variations, has been obtained by similar experiments in each succeeding year.
Summer dishes however have been Pan fried seasoned Plaice filets using the Pan fried seasoned Plaice filets using the Pan Fried Lemon Sole recipe.
The next in order are haddock, cod and plaice, and the east coast fisheries return the greatest bulk of these also.