Coloration of human, plant or animal tissue, especially by pigment.
Certain metallic poisons give rise to pigmentation of the tissues, e.g.
A tendency to pigmentation also develops in certain tissues of the body, such as the nerve and muscle cells.
In hepatogenous pigmentation (icterus or jaundice) we have the iron-free pigment modified and transformed by the action of the liver cells into bile pigment (bilirubin).
In regard to physical features they present at the present time very many varieties both of stature and of pigmentation, though on the whole they are probably the tallest and fairest of European peoples.
Pigmentation of the skin may occur in the later stages.
The individuals in which this diminished pigmentation is found are for the most part those living in caves, and it is probable that their condition is not truly albinotic, but only temporary and due to the absence of the stimulus of light.
In some cases, as in all the varying hares, in addition to the eyes retaining their normal pigmentation, areas similar in extent and situation to those on the Himalayan rabbits also retain their pigmentation; and in the ptarmigan there is a black band on each side of the head stretching forwards and backwards from the eyeball, and the outer tail feathers are black.
When the skin has been damaged from sun exposure, little brown spots appear from the pigmentation of melanin.
The nitrogen is placed on the spot, destroying the dark pigmentation.
The upper, wide opening of the duct is attached by elastic, peritoneal lamellae to the hinder margin of the left lung; the middle portion of the duct is glandular and thick-walled, for the deposition of the albumen; it is connected by a short, constricted " isthmus " (where the shell-membrane is formed) with a dilated " uterus " in which the egg receives its calcareous shell and eventual pigmentation.
In extraneous pigmentation we have coloured substances either in a solid or fluid state, gaining entrance into the organism and accumulating in certain tissues.
A moment's consideration, however, will show that, while an albino may be an individual in which one or more of the complementary bodies of pigmentation are absent, a pigmented animal is something more than an individual which carries all the factors necessary for the development of colour.
But the author of this article has quite recently reared some albinoes in which the familiar shoulder hood and dorsal stripe of the piebald rat is perfectly obvious, in spite of the absence of the slightest pigmentation.
An albino is a homozygote; that is, all its gametes are carrying the character of albinism and none of them bear the alternative character - the allelomorph - of pigmentation.
These are the atrial coelomic funnels or brown funnels, so called on account of the characteristic pigmentation of their walls.
The recirculation system had to be modified to prevent pigmentation being carried over by adding a hydraulic needle valve.
Try using a supplement to offset the pigmentation on your face.
Melasma is increased pigmentation, usually on the face, in a rather patchy distribution.
Jasper also belongs to this group, and contains impurities which cause heavy pigmentation.
Occasionally, the inner wall of the cheek, which is frequently bitten, also shows pigmentation.
Said band member has far less skin pigmentation than the lead performer.
Answer There are two conditions that can affect the pigmentation of the skin in the way you describe.
Fine lines are softened, irregular pigmentation is brightened and large pores are less visible.
The ICP peel is a powerful treatment for sun damaged skin and abnormal pigmentation of hormonal origin such as melasma and chloasma.
Increased pigmentation of the skin (like a sun tan) is common in Addison's disease.
The yellow pigmentation found in Budgerigars has never been identified.
Do you suffer from dark pigmentation around your mouth area?
Click here to find out more about skin pigmentation.
This kind of acne leaves hyper pigmentation that fades over a time.
Its more natural look is achieved by applying a surface pigmentation to the top face of the sheet.
In heredity, complete albinism among animals is always recessive; and partial albinism (piebald) is always recessive to complete pigmentation (self-coloured).
St. John's Wort also can be used to treat other conditions, such as skin inflammation, wounds or burns, recurring ear infections and vitiligo, which is a skin pigmentation disorder.
Officially referred to by doctors as "permanent pigmentation of the dermis", permanent makeup is a process that literally tattoos cosmetics onto the skin.
Sunlight and other environmental factors may start to fade the pigmentation over time, threatening to give away your latest beauty secret.
The needle assembly is placed on the point of pigmentation, for example, the lash line or the lips.
Permanent makeup, or intradermal pigmentation, is a unique process involving the insertion of pigments into the skin's dermal layer.
Known more commonly as permanent makeup, intradermal pigmentation is a revolutionary method that has taken the beauty world by storm.
Intradermal pigmentation is considered completely safe in this medically advanced day and age.
The process of intradermal pigmentation encompasses a variety of steps, and it also involves making several important decisions.
People undergo intradermal pigmentation for a variety of reasons.
While intradermal pigmentation does not sit at the top of pain echelon, it certainly can be uncomfortable for some.
There are several types of enhancements that intradermal pigmentation can focus on.
Actors, musicians, entertainers, speakers, event coordinators -- these are just a few of the professions in which men might consider getting permanent cosmetics, also known as micro pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing.
Melanoma tumors originate in the cells that produce melanin, the chemical that causes pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair.
This can be beneficial since it allows the fabricator to control for humidity, drying time and pigmentation.
Colored contacts for dark eyes are designed with more pigmentation present on the lenses.
Most are bigger than a pencil eraser, and the shape and pigmentation are irregular.
Rashes and changes in pigmentation are common.
The hairbulb pigmentation test is used to identify carriers by incubating a piece of the person's hair in a solution of tyrosine, a substance in food which the body uses to make melanin.
The tyrosinase test is more precise than the hair-bulb pigmentation test.